Which 6 star cosmic to rank 3?

Josh51700Josh51700 Member Posts: 88
My cosmic class is lacking a bit of rank ups. I already have Corvus, gamora, and CGR as rank 3s. Not really needing/looking for anything in particular, really was hoping to have galan or hulkling by now but luck hasn’t been on my side….Who would you guys rank up and why?? Or just wait until I get the champ I really want no matter how long it takes?

Which 6 star cosmic to rank 3? 45 votes

Knull (Duped)
TristanAlex13369Repto23MoosetiptronicAleorPowerofpain1001Sarvanga1_Ctfz35Annihilator13_Ironman3000NetbreakerRenaxqqIoniqus_797StarSmasher2001ThePredator1001whyme_why6AxewShake_a_QuakeSlayinAliveSuhshehshs 25 votes
Vision Aarkus (Duped)
SpideyFunkowillrun4adonut 2 votes
Silver Surfer (Unduped)
Shriek_And_Donk 1 vote
Angela (Unduped)
Superstar_1126 1 vote
Venom (Duped)
TendersquadcaptaincushCassy_Sham_Luke9523Ewell65SSS69o_oLBN1sorc8 9 votes
Hela (Unduped)
Terrax (Unduped)
King Groot (Unduped)
Old_Man_Limnos 1 vote
Red Goblin (Duped)
GrassKnuckles 1 vote
Save for Galan, Hulkling, Gorr, or Herc
cfpreludetntslThanks_D19LickyJoSpidey_10 5 votes


  • StarSmasher2001StarSmasher2001 Member Posts: 234 ★★
    Knull (Duped)
    Get that man a high sig and you will be chilling in a lot of content
  • MasterAMasterA Member Posts: 589 ★★★
    Knull (Duped)
    He is very good. Is my top champ
  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 6,015 ★★★★★
    Vision Aarkus (Duped)
    I've found that I use him more than my max sig r3 knull and venom. His coldsnap prevents evade so I don't use venom as much, and he's a robot killer.
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