Unpopular opinion, the Classic Spidey buff is very good

LickyLicky Member Posts: 328 ★★★
So I think this buff is a juggs level buff, not quite mags or kingpin or Ultron but juggs or hulk level

The decelerate is actually really good and the taunts and ignoring lumber is great

Shout out to BMcG for showcasing his true potential

And his damage is a really good and easy to start and maintain loop

The following is a practice fight, 4 star rank 1 Spidey classic Vs 6 star rank 2 bwcv

The reason I have 35 percent health is the bleeds off her special 1 are quite big to a 4 star and 1 hit to the face

But as you can see, 85 hits and 1 mins 5 secs is very good for a 4 star rank 1 dealing with 33k health

And a 7k crit sp2

Overall the damage rotation is very ez to maintain and the utility is more than meets the eye, so a pretty respectable buff


  • LickyLicky Member Posts: 328 ★★★

    This is the fight overview
  • LickyLicky Member Posts: 328 ★★★
    Thats true but I couldn't think of a comparison for Spidey, any ideas?
  • LickyLicky Member Posts: 328 ★★★
    Update I don't think he is on the level of hulk or juggs but defo above nova and such etc

    But underrated in the terms of much better for early and mid game players, eg if you got him as your first 5 or 6 star, now it's not a reason to rage

    So not very good for paragons but could be great for uc and cav
  • LickyLicky Member Posts: 328 ★★★
    Lpoo I agree but I'm saying if you have one or two other meme tier science champs, now instead of a third, you've got a pretty good option
  • AMS94AMS94 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★★
    Licky said:

    So I think this buff is a juggs level buff, not quite mags or kingpin or Ultron but juggs or hulk level

    The decelerate is actually really good and the taunts and ignoring lumber is great

    Shout out to BMcG for showcasing his true potential

    And his damage is a really good and easy to start and maintain loop

    The following is a practice fight, 4 star rank 1 Spidey classic Vs 6 star rank 2 bwcv

    The reason I have 35 percent health is the bleeds off her special 1 are quite big to a 4 star and 1 hit to the face

    But as you can see, 85 hits and 1 mins 5 secs is very good for a 4 star rank 1 dealing with 33k health

    And a 7k crit sp2

    Overall the damage rotation is very ez to maintain and the utility is more than meets the eye, so a pretty respectable buff

    Juggs was actually a pretty good buff
    The comparison is inaccurate
    More apt comparisons will be Civil Warrior, Yellow Jacket, Terrax, Yondu, DPXF
  • LickyLicky Member Posts: 328 ★★★
    Defo better than yondu and civil warrior

    Like I said above, I was incorrect to compare him to juggs

    He is a tier in between juggs and yellow jacket I think
  • DeaconDeacon Member Posts: 4,234 ★★★★★
    i'd be surprised to see anyone opt for OG Spidey over a host of other Science champs or better options in general.
  • LickyLicky Member Posts: 328 ★★★
    I'm saying for example if you only had og cap,electro rhino and of Spidey before the buff, your science roster was screwed

    But now you've got a very capable lane clearer

    A lot of the science class is still better than him, but I think he's underrated right now
  • LickyLicky Member Posts: 328 ★★★
    Btw MSD just posted a video saying it was a good buff and showcasing him
  • DeaconDeacon Member Posts: 4,234 ★★★★★
    Licky said:

    I'm saying for example if you only had og cap,electro rhino and of Spidey before the buff, your science roster was screwed

    But now you've got a very capable lane clearer

    A lot of the science class is still better than him, but I think he's underrated right now

    i can agree with this to a degree .. and this coming from a guy who has a six star natural 120 sig OG Spidey .. i wanted to love the buff but i only kinda like it. in some situations like most champs, he has his uses. but he's not taking anyone's spot on my roster for anything important lol
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,498 ★★★★★

    i'd be surprised to see anyone opt for OG Spidey over a host of other Science champs or better options in general.

    That's not the objective of these buffs. It's really about improving on their original kit in a moderate way.
  • DeaconDeacon Member Posts: 4,234 ★★★★★

    i'd be surprised to see anyone opt for OG Spidey over a host of other Science champs or better options in general.

    That's not the objective of these buffs. It's really about improving on their original kit in a moderate way.
    for some sure. each buff and whatever intention is behind them is different. we've seen the spectrum go from amazing to this so the objective varies. whether the team would be transparent about it is another thing but there is definitely a unique approach when it comes to the buff of each champion.

    you don't go into a Red Mags buff the same way you go into a OG Spidey buff .. or a Chavez buff the way you go into a DDHK buff or an Iceman buff the way you go into a Diablo buff.

    they all vary in objective.
  • HawtnessHawtness Member Posts: 8
    Licky said:

    So I think this buff is a juggs level buff, not quite mags or kingpin or Ultron but juggs or hulk level

    The decelerate is actually really good and the taunts and ignoring lumber is great

    Shout out to BMcG for showcasing his true potential

    And his damage is a really good and easy to start and maintain loop

    The following is a practice fight, 4 star rank 1 Spidey classic Vs 6 star rank 2 bwcv

    The reason I have 35 percent health is the bleeds off her special 1 are quite big to a 4 star and 1 hit to the face

    But as you can see, 85 hits and 1 mins 5 secs is very good for a 4 star rank 1 dealing with 33k health

    And a 7k crit sp2

    Overall the damage rotation is very ez to maintain and the utility is more than meets the eye, so a pretty respectable buff

    Keep in mind we waited 7 yrs for this buff
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,672 ★★★★★
    I just don't understand the point of buffing an original champ if you aren't going to do it right. Might as well leave him as is.
  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,316 ★★★★★
    Finally, someone who uses the "unpopular" opinion wording correctly.

    I think it's a extremely meh buff.
  • ChobblyChobbly Member Posts: 937 ★★★★
    edited April 2023
    I think there's some merit in comparisons with other buffs like Civil Warrior. Those buffs are almost there but have a critical flaw or two that holds them back. With Civil Warrior it's the trade off between utility and damage, along with the way that the Fury buffs fall off being quite painful.

    The issue I have with Spider-Man's kit is the Taunt duration and excessive reliance on synergies. I prefer the reliability of the SP2 on S2099 and Symbiote Spidey, to give two examples.

    A small tweak or two could really help. Here's some thoughts... (not all of them, maybe one or two).
    • Increase base Taunt duration by 3 seconds
    • Taunts are paused during either champion's special attacks
    • Taunts are paused while the opponent is Stunned
    • On the SP2, while the Stun is active, the Opponent’s Physical Resistance is lowered by X-200 for each Taunt and 200 for each stack of Webbing on them
    For me, I like Taunts being paused during either champion's special attacks or while the opponent is Stunned. Seems fair.
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 5,857 ★★★★★
    As someone very invested in buffs and the buff program, I'd agree that it's a better buff than it's getting credit for.

    He's definitely better than he used to be (which is the main aim) and it's fairly easy to maintain semi-permanent Decelerate; twice if he's Awakened. That, plus Taunt and his Ability to ignore Limber makes for useful utility that he didn't have before.

    His damage is the main issue - it's purely physical, dependent on stacking lots of debuffs, and concentrated in a very brief window of increased damage post-SP2. It's there, but very much in a burst that's easy to disrupt/be lost in far too many scenarios. As part of the buff, Kabam actually reduced his critical rating and removed his armour break; which helped spread his damage out throughout the fight. (and reduced his utility: Armour break is really useful)

    I think it's an okay buff, and I'm happy that players new to MCOC picking up Spidey will find him useful (at least once he's Awakened) and potentially clear content with a team about him. That's going to be good for the long-term health of the game and it's player-base. Making the classic champions appealing (like my suggestions in this thread) is really important to attract and maintain new players, since the classic champions are probably the main draw to the game.

    It's just a little hard not to be disappointed that (as a long-time player with an established roster) he really does very little for me right now, and isn't worth ranking up 😔.
  • CHuck_fINACHuck_fINA Member Posts: 154
    I have a sig20 r1 7* and I'm having a lot of fun using him. I think for the most part the buff is solid. Maybe just because it's a 7* rather than a 6*, I really couldn't say for sure.
    One thing that I think would have gone a long way to making this a standout buff is he could "thwip" a webbing on evade. Throw some fun callouts in there when he does it. He would really have that Spidey feel if he did that. His ramp and utility would come faster with this. And he'd be able to deal with more champs with a lot of moves in their specials with the increased webbing.
  • CHuck_fINACHuck_fINA Member Posts: 154
    Kabam if you like this idea, let's talk about Ikaris and War Machine too lol
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