Prestige issue

This is a random guy's profile. As you can see he have 10k prestige and his top champ is 14k above.

This is my profile from others pov.
Here i got 11k pi with top champ 11k pi
Now i know it have things to do with mastery setups and stuff but really does it affect that much to the pi because here below

This is my pov and my top champ is over 14k as well just like that cav player but its not shown to others like that and me having higher prestige than that guy should mean that my champs have higher prestige than his but still because even if that guy have suicides the difference cant be like 3k pi by which all of my champs are decreased.
I am so confused here....
Your profile will display your roster by PI when you look at it, whereas if I look at your profile they’re displayed by prestige.
Now i need to get to the bottom of this