Single vs Batch summon pulls

Hello all,
This discussion isn’t about increasing weekly rewards by holding. The question can generate answers based off of speculation and opinions.
1) Do the RNG Gods favor pulling multiple summons at once to achieve better tier champs
2) Doesn't make a difference because random is random. Pulling single vs batch doesn’t improve odds of top tier champs.
If you feel strongly for a choice, why do you feel that way?
This discussion isn’t about increasing weekly rewards by holding. The question can generate answers based off of speculation and opinions.
1) Do the RNG Gods favor pulling multiple summons at once to achieve better tier champs
2) Doesn't make a difference because random is random. Pulling single vs batch doesn’t improve odds of top tier champs.
If you feel strongly for a choice, why do you feel that way?
Patience is a virtue 😉
So opening in batches doesn't give you better odds over opening individually and vice versa.
This would also mean: luck, superstition, and karma have zero effect on the law of probability. Seems logical.
So follow up question: When you pulled that coveted and high desired champ (ex, Herc, Doom, etc), did you pull it as part of multiple pulls or all by itself? I suspect it is a mixed result. Unless you believe in luck