Why can’t we auto the new revive quest?
With 3.2.6 the mindless tapping once in a while was worth the rewards, and I knew the content wasn’t built for this function. Now we have a daily quest built with the purpose of grinding revives. Why can’t I just auto run it? Any one uncollected or higher could mindlessly beat this quest. And now that it is made to be a daily one. I see no reason to not add an auto completion button.
Given the design pattern applied to this issue, if Kabam put in an auto-explore it would probably not even get you a 20% revive, in the same way auto-exploring other daily quests give less than manual exploration.
Maybe if/when they bring in 10% revives it will be an option!
As a tangent: I have always hated how Deadpool's Halls of Healing/Gold/Isos are so unfriendly to autofight, due to the overlapping branching paths that requires at least some input. The Apothecary is kind of a continuation of that ethos, in requiring at least some input from the player.
There seems to be a bug where auto complete can get you double the rewards for the daily quest. If kabam implements auto complete for the appthecary I would be fine with them fixing this bug.
We are literally only asking for a qol update that would save us 1 minute for entering the quest and tapping autofight, then doing it a 2nd time and saves us the time of waiting approx 5 minutes of the auto-fighting itself. About a 7 min timesave total.
Are you against that too?
If you auto complete any daily quest you get about 1.5 of what you get with 1st time completion and less than 1st time exploration (which can give anywhere from 2 -3 of what ever resource the quest gives).
Edit to clarify: if they add an autocomplete to what is currently there (which would work out to about 60% completion) then you would not get 2 revives total, simply because 100% exploration currently only gives 1.
Auto complete never gives more than 1/2 to 2/3 of what 100% exploration gives with other daily quests. Given there is no revive less than the 20% on exploration if they did put in auto-complete in its current stage it would probably give health pots instead of revives. As their aim is to not give more than 1 revive each day.