Hi guys , need help , I have assassin mastery at 4/5 level ,my Drax is 5* rank 3/45, not duped. I am confused with the special 1 attack , How much it can damage ? Considering the if he has 2 fury on when I am placing his special 1 on opponent.
Below I am attaching few images of attack,mastery,Drax etc. just for reference, the pics may not be uploaded in proper sequence so don’t get mad at me , but I am sure you guys are smart you will figure it out which pic says what.

Let me know if this info is enough, I know don’t have the node buffs info. Of the opponent but that can be arranged I have to look for it. ( it’s AQ map 3 I guess , poison node , two nodes before dormammu)
Below I am attaching few images of attack,mastery,Drax etc. just for reference, the pics may not be uploaded in proper sequence so don’t get mad at me , but I am sure you guys are smart you will figure it out which pic says what.

Let me know if this info is enough, I know don’t have the node buffs info. Of the opponent but that can be arranged I have to look for it. ( it’s AQ map 3 I guess , poison node , two nodes before dormammu)
Ok, but considering the fury , I thought Drax damage should be more , but I didn’t know how much it should be so that’s why I thought I should check in the fourm.
That sounds like a damage , but if I see 4K is without a crit, and urs is rank 4 , then rank 3 should do at least 4K with crit. Just a speculation I guess. But if I know how much damage my champ can do with my special attack then I can make few strategies for fight. Just a thought
You're actually landing about half of that, and that's before assassins. So either my testing is off, my math is off, or something is going on in this fight that I'm not accounting for. WIthout more information, someone with more insight into what's going on will have to jump in.
One complication is that Drax seems to have two different fury sources with two different strengths. The special attacks always stack fury but that fury is about half as strong as the one that has a chance to proc on all attacks. So which fury you have and how many can significantly alter your expected damage.
See that’s what I was talking about, when I see numbers , I see calculation, and that calculation isn’t correct in respect to Drax damage. If you look at the total attack of Drax it says - 1314, now I don’t know the significance of this attack number, but if you consider this attack + crit + crit mastery, I don’t think so Drax special 1 attack damage should be - 1884
I have 5/5 Assassin, (no suicides), so usually by the time I build up enough power for a SP1, they are probably down low enough to get the +60% attack.
I don’t know the node buff but it’s - AQ Map 3 ( Expert Tier) node 66
One thing in your math is against Ultron, Drax will get 40% extra attack for class bonus, and in the OP screenshot, against a Cosmic symbiode, there would be no additional attack buff.
The screenshot shows a non-crit sp1.
There's physical resistance which is no longer listed under base stats (though I don't think it would make that much difference) and then there's a damage resistance stat (unique for every champ) which no one knows how it operates/when it is applied
Kinda surprised to see that n now with the question asked.
The reading is correct.
Your attack is 1314, symb has an amour rating which we will call (X1).
Your attack was 1884.
So basically you gained 570 extra attack which is 87 which basically makes symb armour rating at 100.
So basically you hit a none critical at 1314 added an extra 50% to attack making it 1971 because symb has 100 armour reduced to 87 you then minus 87 from 1971 n you get your accurate hit.
The fury is not active during the spec1 so shouldn’t be taken into account.
Yeah, that’s true, I lost SW, but AQ map 3 day 5 expert tier , and that node is poison, and I don’t understand stack of two fury , and I am hitting a non crit hit , it’s not active, why it’s not active when it’s on the screen, if it’s not active it shouldn’t appear on the screen, I think if you got stun, symbol and stun written on the screen appear, it’s like interactive response, I am sure if screen says fury , that means fury is active.
It’s not a basic hit, it’s special attack, so something should be special in it, 100 armor , did you check the node , if that’s true , then that we should consider in the calculation.
Are you referring to the damage appear in white numbers? Cause if that’s what you mean then the crit damages should appear in brown/orange color. Correct?