6* skill AG



  • MoosetiptronicMoosetiptronic Member Posts: 2,166 ★★★★
    @BanannaPanda if you'll use nick, extensively, then go with him.

    If you won't, then using the AG on him, may be a waste, if you would have used it on someone (kp, valk etc) that you will be using regularly.

    Yes nick needs the awakening. But not if you don't actually use him.
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,818 ★★★★★
    Nick fury ftw. Doesn't matter you have 5/65,he is just usable in every content ,and his sig ability is very unique. He is the best skill champ and easily top 3 contenders for generic ag(After archangel and hercules).
  • MoosetiptronicMoosetiptronic Member Posts: 2,166 ★★★★

    Nick fury ftw. Doesn't matter you have 5/65,he is just usable in every content ,and his sig ability is very unique. He is the best skill champ and easily top 3 contenders for generic ag(After archangel and hercules).

    Really? That's certainly an opinion. Personally...Champions I'd awaken over nick; herc, AA, Aegon, omega, kitty, ghost, kingpin, corvus...

    I'd probably also do all of these first too; king Groot, Angela, wolverine, namor, iabom, xbones, ghost, guardian, Nimrod, Hyperion, diablo, tigra, magic (if they ever released her).

    Honestly, nick is great. But unless he's your main champ and your roster isn't stacked, him being awakened is not going to change your game as much as just pulling Heimdall.
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