Just hit thronebreaker with newer account, what’s next?

I was a paying paragon player in a former life, but I opened this new free account the last day of eligibility for the December gifting event. Ended up getting very lucky with 6 stars in that event and had Herc, KP, HT and Ultron within first month. Since then my luck hasn’t been great and I still have huge holes in each class even for 5 stars. But with Herc and kingpin I was able to hit cavalier within 6 weeks or so and now I’ve just hit thronebreaker. Trouble is I am so far away from Paragon I’m not sure what my strategy should be. I don’t necessarily need to hit paragon, I might just focus on clearing content (haven’t tried any variants yet, etc) but I’d like a general strategy. Any advice is appreciated. I’ll post by roster by class
Just hit thronebreaker with newer account, what’s next? 16 votes