You could at least include a screenshot of this plus the unit store offers and the store deals so they can see. This isn't support. They don't have access to your account here so even if a mod sees this thread, they can't help you.
I payed for bundle 14 got everything BUT THE REASON I PAID DAMN REALLY KABAAM! Where is My Deadpool Bobble Baubles I received the units ???
Do mean you purchased the special Pink/Bobble Unit Store Offers, that gave Bobbles, Gold, Deadpool, plus the usual Units ? The ones that also (from the announcement) end up giving you the 6* Jessica Jones if you purchase ALL LIMITS of ALL Levels of those special Pink/Bobble Unit Store Offers ?
Or did you purchase the everyday/normal Unit Store offers (that are still available, but are NOT the Special/Pink/Bobble ones) that only give you Units ? If that is case, maybe contact Kabam (support ticket) and ask them to exchange those purchases for the special Bobble offer ones instead. (Do NOT ask for refund directly with Google/Apple. Only go directly thru Kabam.)
You could at least include a screenshot of this plus the unit store offers and the store deals so they can see. This isn't support. They don't have access to your account here so even if a mod sees this thread, they can't help you.
The ones that also (from the announcement) end up giving you the 6* Jessica Jones if you purchase ALL LIMITS of ALL Levels of those special Pink/Bobble Unit Store Offers ?
Or did you purchase the everyday/normal Unit Store offers (that are still available, but are NOT the Special/Pink/Bobble ones) that only give you Units ?
If that is case, maybe contact Kabam (support ticket) and ask them to exchange those purchases for the special Bobble offer ones instead. (Do NOT ask for refund directly with Google/Apple. Only go directly thru Kabam.)