EOP Carina Challenges Team Build

SuelGamesSuelGames Member Posts: 947 ★★★
edited April 2023 in General Discussion

What team are you guys using for Robots and Spiderverse?

I am trying to put at least R3 some champs to help clear those, which team build is the best for the least amount of resourses used?

Nimrod, Warlock, OS

Ham, Miles, Spider Supreme

These are my main, do i need to rank someone else? G99, S99? Would like some feedback from those who has done it plz

Also, which side is wiser to take?


  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,840 ★★★★★
    edited April 2023
    Robots, I went right side and I used:

    Rank4 Hercules
    Rank3 Ultron
    Rank4 Warlock (not awakened)

    Swapped out herc for R3 Dragon man. I have a rank4 nimrod but just didn’t feel like he would do as good as Ultron or warlock. I liked having Ultron for crossbones and peni and for his regen. I also got a lot of use with dragon man vs kraven , Ikky and thanos.

    Haven’t done spider verse challenge yet.
  • Graves_3Graves_3 Member Posts: 1,643 ★★★★★
    Nebula r3
    Nimrod r4
    Dragon man r3 all awakened.
    Went right and dragon man was the actual mvp nimrod was not that helpful. Used herc on first 4 fights.

    Spider verse:
    Spider supreme r3
    Stark spidey(max 5*)
    Spidey 99(max 5*)

    Spider supreme has good burst damage and can take on kraven, and ikaris fights. Stark was helpful against peni and scorpion.
    Sp99 made thanos a joke. Still had to use 2 revives because I messed up but a solo is possible even for slightly above average players.
  • xLunatiXxxLunatiXx Member Posts: 1,493 ★★★★★
    If you only go right side then you want Dragonman for ikaris.
    For spideys, I'd replace ham with Stealthy. He's gonna be the hard hitting champ after node swap
  • Gildarts99Gildarts99 Member Posts: 449 ★★★
    robot, u will need dragon man.
    spider verse, I used spidy sup, peni and stealthy
  • VeryViciousVeryVicious Member Posts: 30
    Robots: right side - OS, Nimrod, Dragonman.

    DM for Kraven, Ikaris, Thanos
    OS for Scorpion
    Nimrod for Peni

    Spider verse: left side - Peni, Miles, Stealthy

    Miles for Modok and Blade
    Peni for Terrax and Thanos
    Stealthy for DM

    Side note: used KG for first 4 fights. Was a really good move for me. Many others used CGR.

    Used about 30 revs for each run.
  • FurrymoosenFurrymoosen Member Posts: 5,499 ★★★★★
    For robots I went right side and used R3 Ultron, Dragonman and R4 Omega Sentinel. Used Herc for 3 of the first 4 fights, then swapped in Dragonman.

    For spiders I went left and used R3 Spidey Surpeme, S99 and R2 Miles Morales. I think I used CGR for at least part of the first half, but can’t recall for sure.
  • altavistaaltavista Member Posts: 1,628 ★★★★
    I'd say Robot for Right path and Spider for Left path. The reason being is that theoretically, if you get the playstyle right, Miles can easily handle two champions on the Left path (Modok and Blade). But, you can certain swap paths or do entirely one path, depending on your roster.

    On the right side, Ikaris is the main nuisance since non-mystics get unavoidable damage. Dragonman helps to ignore that.

    As a side note: If you are doing the Left side, you need someone who can do Warlock (remove his armor buff). So take that into account for your team building as you are trying to figure out Left/Right paths and who can be swapped out.
  • AzdefAzdef Member Posts: 291 ★★
    Did the left side for Robots and surprisingly it was by far my easiest run( in terms of both time and revives).
    Warlock, Nebula and Nimrod.
    Nebula was an absolute MVP. She was great against Modok, Blade and Dragon man ( shuts him down completely for an easy solo). She was also amazing for Thanos.
    Warlock i used for Warlock and Nimrod was just chilling.
    Did the right side for spiderverse and it was bad( probably cos it was the first run I did)
  • PikoluPikolu Member, Guardian Posts: 8,320 Guardian
    I went right with robots and had r4 Nebula, r3 Warlock, and r2 Dragon Man. Dragon man was my mvp, but ultron and nimrod are better options right side than Warlock and Nebula.

    For spiderverse I went right side with Spiderham, Peni, and 5* Spidey supreme and it wasn't that bad at all.
  • OmedennOmedenn Member Posts: 898 ★★★
    Dragon man feels like a must have. And I did use omega sentinel with nimrod. Right side
  • BocksaroxBocksarox Member Posts: 329 ★★★
    For Robots, I used Omega Sentinel and Dragonman for every fight. I opted to use the 3rd slot for a synergy and brought Nimrod for the healing synergy with OS. That synergy saved me a lot of potions!

    For Spiders, I used Stark Spidey, Spidey Supreme, and Spidey 2099. S2099 was specifically for Thanos.

    I went right on both of these runs.
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