We need to talk about docks urgently

It's been almost 10 seasons since I finished master and my alliance takes dock. I've been through three different alliances. This season I almost went to play in an alliance outside my country and it also ended up taking dock. How long is it fair to keep punishing the entire alliance for the mistakes of some? And don't be fooled, the majority that didn't dock just piloted it the right way. They just didn't make a mistake by cheating, It's just unfair. I no longer feel like spending a single amplifier, consuming game content, improving, to end up being punished for something I didn't do.
I'm not defending pilots, but I think it's time to come permaban and stop punishing alliances, just give permanent bans to those who practice this and it will end.
If you are against permaban, start giving a 60-day ban, so that you lose two seasons of Battleground and lose the rewards of the current and next season of AW, maybe that will demotivate these people.
I'm not defending pilots, but I think it's time to come permaban and stop punishing alliances, just give permanent bans to those who practice this and it will end.
If you are against permaban, start giving a 60-day ban, so that you lose two seasons of Battleground and lose the rewards of the current and next season of AW, maybe that will demotivate these people.
Take the recent incursion ban wave for example as well, they did it on the final war attack phase on the season, some alliances were probably screwed out of their ranks due to players unable to participate. Now, I'm not defending those who cheated for the legends title but postponing the ban wave by one day would minimize the collateral damage done to other innocent alliance members..
It's simple things, places in the game you can't go, using the same device, among other things. That's my point. Only those who are caught are punished, which does not mean that alliances that were not punished are clean. In the end, those who are hurt are those who are playing honestly, who are dedicated, who bought amps and end up paying the price because someone else is being "pilotted"
If an alliance benefits from a cheater, why shouldn't they dock the whole alliance.
Just play the game correctly and have fun. If you have to cheat, then you're doing it wrong.
Officials ask for the videos, but nothing guarantees that it is not a third person who plays, records the videos and sends them to the account owner. It's nearly impossible to control.
The whole alliance should suffer if they benefited from mercs, pilots or modders. Would you like modders in BGs to keep their rewards?
Also, of course those who are caught are punished. How can you punish someone who isn't caught? Keen observation Captain Obvious.
Unfortunately, only way to stay away from docks is to leave those alliances as they seem incorrigible.
As to the subject, an Alliance wins as a team and loses as a team. If they're playing a team game mode and someone cheats, those Rewards need to be adjusted.
Piloting and Account Sharing should not be happening, whether it happens all the time or not. If you have to pay a Merc to play for you, you don't belong in the top, and if you're not available to play, then you can't play. That's about as simple as it gets. (I mean the Royal "you".)
Either way, if you're a party to an Alliance doing this and you're getting punished as well, walk away. Report it if you feel so inclined.
There is no “Piloting the right way”.
Even if it is just teammates logging in as someone else, only for the sake of moving and using energy. That is still AGAINST THE RULES.
Doesn’t necessarily have to be Mercs actually doing your harder fights.
You also convoluted “people with multiple accounts” into your statement, trying to deflect the wrongdoing by interjecting something into the argument that is actually OK and allowed. People with multiple accounts are obviously allowed to play on each of THEIR own accounts. That person can even do so one after another, back-2-back-2-back on each of their accounts, advancing each of their accounts along their paths one after another. That is NOT piloting if they are playing THEIR own accounts.
It is undeniable that there is an active black market for content at the top of the game but it is better than it has been, and alliances that I’ve joined will actively try to remain as ‘pure’ as they can. Sadly I’ve missed out on a masters finish due to a rotten apple in the alliance, it’s something that’ll probably happen to everyone in T1 alliances once in their career. It’s a truly terrible feeling but the culprit has been blacklisted and I’ve not seen them since.
This is one of the reasons references are often requested along with war videos.
For me it was a permanent ban on all accounts that crossed IP with the merc you are piloting.
That said: Docking two or three master alliances because someone piloted it wrong just keeps the injustice going on. Of the 30 alliances that fight for master, there are at least 20 full of pilots.
I don't know who the hell is piloting or doing anything wrong, I'm not an officer. I'm playing my game honestly, I do subs, sometimes I even boss. The question here is to find a way to end this. It's tiring. Kabam bans cheaters for 1 week and they come back in the following season. I'm advocating that the player being piloted should be permanently banned and all accounts he entered should be banned too, it's that simple.
About the alliances I play: I'm Brazilian and here in Brazil we don't use Line. This leaves only two alliance options for me. I was going to play at NEXT this season, if I had gone, I would have taken the dock too. I have no interest in being benefited by cheaters, I don't need it, I just want stricter punishments or methods that eliminate this practice once and for all. Harming all people who play honestly with Dock to give a week ban on who was being piloted is simply unfair.
Okay, you think you should really punish the whole alliance. But do you disagree that bans should be permanent or for at least a few months?
Piloting is wrong. Piloting is cheating.
There's no such thing as a permanent ban for a few months. That's a temporary ban.
The fact remains, if you share your account, you deserve to get docked. If anyone else in your alliance shares their account, they deserve to get docked. If anyone in your alliance logs into the account of any other player, in any alliance, they deserve to get docked.
Rule is pretty straightforward: Don't cheat.
I love watching cheaters get docked. No "innocent" account gets wrongfully banned these days.
Don't cheat, simple.