Cannot progress past mission

In-Game Name: Ksprout
Device and Model: IPhone SE
Device Operating System: iOS 16.4.1
Cellular or WiFi: Both. AT&T data.
Game Version Installed: Version 38.2.0
Game Mode: In which game mode did the error occur? Story Quest, third mission
Description of the Issue: Every time I try to progress the story, I get a message about a free boost. I cannot click anywhere to make anything happen. I am unable to do anything else in the mission besides click the next node, when this happens and I need to close out of the app.


  • KsproutKsprout Member Posts: 3
    I have tried restarting the mission. It is sort mission 4, not 3. When I get to the first fight, this happens again
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,734 Guardian
    Have you tried clicking in that highlighted box next to Gamora, which normally would have wording for BOOST there in the prior screen.

    Or else, restart again, and before you actually get to the “Fight Matchup” screen (above), so ie. when you are still just on the quest map screen, there should be the BOOST button (or ICON that designated for applying Boosts) on that right side of Map screen.

    Try applying this newbie-boost there, from map, and maybe then the next screen will not give you this pop-up that is blocking you above.
    (or maybe just the process of having clicked on the Boost Icon on right side will clear out the “status” of game wanting to show you and tell you about it.)
  • KsproutKsprout Member Posts: 3
    Hi. I have tried clicking the glowing spot and it doesn’t do anything. I hadn’t tried applying a boost. I didn’t have a free boost when I tried but I had enough units so I bought and activated a lesser attack boost. When I started the mission, I went through to the first fight and I still get the same issue. There is a fork in that mission to pick one of two fights, I have tried restarting and picking the other fight and I still get the same issue. Thank you for your help so far though.
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