What T6CC to guess on?

Jonnathan05Jonnathan05 Member Posts: 71
I’m thinking about going for all of the T6CC materials in the bobble store, making me able to make 3 T6CC of 1 class. Almost done with 8.2 exploration, making me able to get a 4th T6CC of that class. With those I will be able to get a 7* to R2 right from the start.
But what class do I go for and is it worth the risk?

What T6CC to guess on? 30 votes

Mknight123 1 vote
RockyshockyWhoDaPooH3t3rLicky 4 votes
zuffyFfm1899JChanceH9Parzival17192IryseJack2634Darksniper240DudeMaGudeSlayinAliveKnightOfTheRealm 10 votes
Screw 7* and R5 herc
Ackbar67Grizzly_18ButtehrsIronman3000LeoZedRenaxqqTheExit27LpooBatman_bruce31Ace2319ItsyaboyStephy05AxewSuhshehshsElite13MasterA 15 votes


  • ItsyaboyStephy05ItsyaboyStephy05 Member Posts: 128 ★★
    Screw 7* and R5 herc
    It's nice to be one of the first with a R2 7* champion, but even with them being slightly more powerful at r2 than 6*'s at r5, no champ in the starting pool is stronger than Hercules, especially considering the fact that 6* sig stones are extremely common these days.

    Don't let me discourage you though! If you want to be one of the first with a R2 7*, most of the champs in the pool are definitely solid!
  • H3t3rH3t3r Member, Guardian Posts: 2,882 Guardian
    If you really want a 7* r2 on launch. Science has the overall best champs. Some do want the dupe and high sig but.
  • MasterAMasterA Member Posts: 588 ★★★
    Screw 7* and R5 herc
    This is a guarantee
  • JChanceH9JChanceH9 Member Posts: 852 ★★★
    Oh, I didn’t read the whole thing. R5 Herc for sure. I did.
  • PikoluPikolu Member, Guardian Posts: 8,318 Guardian
    You run the risk of not getting anyone from the 7* class you wanted and having to hold on for a long time. Due to that, I'd say just r5 a 6*, a r1 7* has the combat power rate of a r5 anyways.
  • Jack2634Jack2634 Member Posts: 1,017 ★★★
    don't mind my braindead fingers , didn't read the last choice . R5 herc, who cares about 7 star (at least for now)
  • Milan1405Milan1405 Member Posts: 952 ★★★★
    Depends how many shards you have. If you got and awakend 7star bishop out of the gate for example could be very cool to have him as the first ever 7star rank 2.
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