Advice for 5.2.5 and 5.2.6 with just 4/40 4*s?

I have 87 4* , about half of those at 4/40. I don't want to wasted t4cc on 4* since 5* are the future. Since I have almost every option available to me, what would be the ideal teams, paths, and masteries to get through these last 2 quests as easily as possible and become uncollected? Thanks!
What 5* do you have now at 3/45?
.5 is dependent on what champs you don't want to face, really, and choose who you'd rather face.
.6 I found the Godslayer path the easiest.
As far as strategy goes for 5.2.5 and 5.2.6 make sure you keep your champs at full health so bane can work for you for extra damage. Take the godslayer path in 5.2.6, and make sure you can fight yondu well with a bleed immune champ cause he can be a huge pain. For the collector if you don’t have good power drain champs focus on high damage champs and get your intercepts up to snuff. Good luck
The Collector is rough, though. If you are determined to not use your T4cc, I guess you should give it a shot. Based on what you have written, you obviously have strong skills. I used rank 5s and a rank 4 five star and the Collector still gave me a headache...
SL unduped hits just fine for Act 5 and would be worthy of R3 IMHO, just not LOL ready yet.
I figured, I was looking for advice on party, masteries, and path to do so most easily. It's not just that I don't want to use my T4CC, but also a matter of pride to become uncollected with just 4/40 4*.
I agree. Hawkeye duped or even unduped with that bleed on s1 and with the power drain is good.
That's so dumb. You need to pull the (good) 5 stars first, and the best way to get 5 star shards is to go through hard content. Something that is a lot easier with rank 5 4*. Ranking a few Godtier 4 stars will help your progress so much and save you a whole bunch of units that you will otherwise need for revives and potions.
- 4* Rank4 iceman dupe.
- 4* rank 5 ghost rider dupe.
- 4* rank 4 daredevil original dupe.
- 4* rank 5 Spider SE undupe.
- 4* rank 3 Dormammu dupe.
the only champ that did the most damage was daredevil original with his signature lvl40
but beside him the next champ, as much as it sound weird i know, iceman did great.
Thank you. Finally someone with constructive advice.
you're welcome