Bahamut is bugged on Heal Sponge path

I am playing against Bahamut with the Heal Sponge node. I removed my willpower mastery but I have Nimrod, The Champion and Apocalypse with me. When they regenerate, Bahamut regenerates as expected but he can go through the threshold of a phase.
Also these champions are 6-stars so the adrenalin if I get a hit and revering life, it regenerates the defender but also makes him go through the 10% barrier.
I am jumping from Phase 3 to Phase 4 and back to Phase 3 (from 9% to 12% back to 9% so ping pong sometimes, and sometimes no ping pong) for some time now.
This is the node.

Also these champions are 6-stars so the adrenalin if I get a hit and revering life, it regenerates the defender but also makes him go through the 10% barrier.
I am jumping from Phase 3 to Phase 4 and back to Phase 3 (from 9% to 12% back to 9% so ping pong sometimes, and sometimes no ping pong) for some time now.
This is the node.

He should not go back from Phase 4 to Phase 3.
It's frustrating to not see any. @Kabam Jax
Before or after the patch. It seems he’s more bugged right now. Fought him last night and we went to last phase at 29%. But when I died It reverted to the proper phase. For one cycle of the phase. Once I got his armor off it was would jump to phase 4 again after. Regardless of his HP. Then when I die again it will revert again to proper phase. Unstable Volatility Path.
So there are still a few things to be worked out for sure
We are in August and it still bugged.
Just awful... I don't know how many items and units I lost because of these 2 bugs ( for the first one), but it's just awful.
Also, there is another strange interaction when using apoc against him in his final phase ... just don't do it, you won't ever get him down, u sure if that's intended or not though.
It makes the fight quite a bit longer but it's worth it in my opinion
Did my deathless run yesterday and he healed past the phase threshold several times.
Until this gets fixed, anyone using g2099 should choose the crit and power steal pre fights.
Her regen won’t kick in.