[DISCUSSION] Make 100% Explored Story Quests Cost 0 Energy?

I was thinking about how fun some of the more recent bosses are and some paths, especially cheesy ones, and would love to go back into some act 6/7/8 content to play around with champions and fight bosses strictly for fun, but since energy is such a high value commodity, I do not want to use an entire energy refill on this type of activity.
I was thinking about potential downsides to making story content cost no energy once you 100% it and could not think of many since 3.2.6 was changed to no longer be able to farm revives, and was wondering what other people would think about this? Sure, you might get an iso brick or a low level health potion every once in a while but I don't know of anyone who would be willing to farm difficult story content for those kinds of rewards. I think it would be pretty cool to be able to learn new champions by taking them into hard content and against fun bosses without the cost of energy looming over your head. From KABAM's side of things, it would allow these interesting bosses that they've spent so much time designing get even more action in game while helping players become more accustomed to the champions and nodes they can practice against.
I was thinking about potential downsides to making story content cost no energy once you 100% it and could not think of many since 3.2.6 was changed to no longer be able to farm revives, and was wondering what other people would think about this? Sure, you might get an iso brick or a low level health potion every once in a while but I don't know of anyone who would be willing to farm difficult story content for those kinds of rewards. I think it would be pretty cool to be able to learn new champions by taking them into hard content and against fun bosses without the cost of energy looming over your head. From KABAM's side of things, it would allow these interesting bosses that they've spent so much time designing get even more action in game while helping players become more accustomed to the champions and nodes they can practice against.
(although I guess there may be some in-path nodes you might want to revisit, Act-4 Regen Magneto, Super Juggs, etc)
Won't have to take time to fight all the nodes beforehand.
(although then ppl would say they want to be able to Ramp-Up champs beforehand)
Won't be able to earn ANY items from paths/fights/chests/etc.
Won’t count towards ANY Events like Hero Use or Class Combat (otherwise could just do Boss of say Act-2 over and over at no energy)
I want to fight bosses like mordo xbones GM
7.1 hybrid bosses, Kangs etc etc
This also opens the door for solo and alliance event exploration. People could just rank up crazy high scores auto playing old quests.
But I’ll edit the suggestion of fighting of just Boss, and have it use the Preview and then click on ANY individual node in the quest.
When that would bring up the Right-side popup details of that node, you could then select REPLAY FIGHT of that particular node. (**if you have already 100% explored that whole quest already).
So you could go and replay fights of any particularly interesting nodes/champs, and not just the Bosses.