Rank1 7star champions more powerfull then rank5 6stars?
Member Posts: 12 ★
Hello i am wondering if i am the only one to think that rank1 7stars will be more powerfull or atleast as powerfull as rank5 6stars. I recall from the stream on wich kabam showcased the 7star champions they showed the info of some champions and on this info they wete rank1 level1 and they had pretty much the same attack and health as r4 6stars and i dont think they had a mastery set up to increase it. So at rank1 level25 with the mastery set up i think they will be atleast as powerfull or even slightly bit more powerfull then rank5 6stars . I am mostly talking about the amount of health and attack those champions will have, and with stat focus champions like Domino can do even more damage then rank5 counterparts.