Stop hiding side quest rewards behind progression, then lying about it

Fangster321Fangster321 Member Posts: 15
edited May 2023 in Suggestions and Requests
A big change Kabam has been pushing is how all threat levels are free to any progression, so why in the world are half the rewards not? This month a change in rewards and difficulty happened (with 2 6* ag available now being the biggest in my opinion) and a new PARAGON focused difficulty. The problem is that even though a cav player like me can play and 100% complete the PARAGON difficulty (itemless), I still have to miss out on tons of rewards, some of which were available last month. So even though everyone says the rewards are so much better, it really isn't for anyone who isn't paragon, hell last month I was still able to get the 6* ag crystal, now all I can get is a 5* ag? Thats not an improvement in rewards, instead it's the opposite. Another point, if a cav player isn't meant to get the rewards of Paragon difficulty, why is level 5 so easy then? Theres just no consistency. If Kabam really wants the side quest difficulty to be universal to all progressions, the side quest rewards should be too.


  • UnOriginalUnOriginal Member Posts: 729 ★★★
    I if You are thronebraker You still have the 6 ag if You are mad that You don't get the rewards after You become paragon until next eq i think You do ( don't fully explore the treat lev 5 yet)
  • Fangster321Fangster321 Member Posts: 15
    Yet Kabam insists on the threat levels being universal, then updating the rewards, only to bar them behind progression, while on paper they look like that actually made an improvement. If you read it carefully, the whole point of the post is that the rewards got WORSE for most players.
  • HSS75HSS75 Member Posts: 1,161 ★★★
    That's the whole point of progressions in this game if you want to get better rewards you should push yourself to become thronebreaker as well as paragon. Those rewards are motivation for others to progress to in order to get them.
  • Giantwalrus56Giantwalrus56 Member Posts: 1,234 ★★★★
    Guess you'll continue to miss out cause you don't want to fight the grandmaster like the rest of us did. Just got to beat him once
  • RasiloverRasilover Member Posts: 1,477 ★★★★
    edited May 2023

    Sure, if the grandmaster fight wasn't harder then most paragon content

    I noticed people are scared to fight Grandmaster? Why is that? He’s not a boogeyman
  • CoppinCoppin Member Posts: 2,601 ★★★★★
    edited May 2023

    Sure, if the grandmaster fight wasn't harder then most paragon content

    U didnt beat the GM, therefore u don't get the same rewards as people who did, seems about right..
    Also.. beating the GM would get u to TB assuming u got your r3 and so on... U would still miss out on the Threat Level 5 rewards... Open your eyes .. U r 2 progression levels behind not 1...
    The fact that the quest levels are open doesnt mean u gotta do them .. it has completion and exploration rewards.. in my personal opinion.. they should be locked for lower progression.. thet shouldnt even get those completion and exploration rewards...
  • SearmenisSearmenis Member Posts: 1,750 ★★★★★
    Just think it the other way: You finally got through GM, you explored Act 7, you got three r4 champions, and it s paragon time! Yeah!

    Well...why all this effort if cav players also get the big piece of chicken? Isn't this a cheat?
  • CoppinCoppin Member Posts: 2,601 ★★★★★
    HSS75 said:

    That's the whole point of progressions in this game if you want to get better rewards you should push yourself to become thronebreaker as well as paragon. Those rewards are motivation for others to progress to in order to get them.

    Exactly.. instead of farming units and enslaving themselves in arenas to get that sweet 4th of july sale.. they should invest some units on progressing... But no.. they just try to get 18k units to buy those sales.. and the complain why TB and Paragon get better deals...
  • ChiliDogChiliDog Member Posts: 911 ★★★
    I know it is rough and I stink at the game, but...I saved up resources and 7000 units on top for the GM fight from arena. I used a good portion of the units and wanted to quit the game during the fight. It was right after the input issues first came around from the unity or whatever issue.

    But trust me, staying up with Progression is very important. I was disappointed that Paragon needed 3 6r4, but thankfully pushed myself during the EoPs.

    If I can do it, then anyone can. It is worth it, but for me, made me go crazy one night. I think I took 4+ hours with breaks. You just got to dig in.
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