Paragon crystal drop rates :)

We all know this was coming and I hate to say I was the person who did this to find out but I opened enough paragon crystals to hit all the milestones around maybe 140? maybe just a bit less.. Do you want to know how many 7 stars I got with this 1% chance?


I popped 2.
My last math class was algebra 2 in 1990, but i think that's 50%. Can't wait to try out that valkrie.
Personally, I've still got about 12 more 6 stars I plan to r5 that aren't going to be hitting the 7 star pool any time soon / probably won't r2 a 7 star for some time because I'd rather have a maxed on 6 star Doom, Herc, Nimrod, Appoc, Nick, etc. over a unduped or sig 20-40 of any champ in the 7 star pool (and I opened some of the good ones).
I will say that my days of R4ing more champs with materials are all but over... anyone I want "that badly" i've already r4 or more... and still have some gems left... so I'll have a few more coming some day... but all R4 mats are now reserved for R5s (and eventually 7 stars later in the year).
And here
Is it really possible to get all 4* from 10 crystals when the drop rate for anything above 4* (5*-7*) is at 50%
Seem almost impossible to land all 4*