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The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Units for 7* Celebration Event or 4th of July Deals

I’m (mostly) FTP. Been saving units since the banquet event ended in January. I have 13k units saved. Would you use them on the 7* Celebration event or save them for 4th of July deals? Just became Paragon a couple weeks ago.

Units for 7* Celebration Event or 4th of July Deals 72 votes

7* Celebration Event
ch4rnMasterzxProSubyMightyDElMelloiGeneralMerceDixie_normas77nico69Neil_is_awsome 9 votes
4th of July
PowPow48xNigbryce7mMUT4NTXSylarKanameCropDusterMangulerCrusaderjrHarit_kumarSandeepSrockykostonNoOnexROAckbar67LiquidkoldRabarberstengelIvarTheBonelessPikolu_Sham_ZipioBugmat78 63 votes


  • Options
    Marvelfan30Marvelfan30 Posts: 1,169 ★★★★
    4th of July
    I mean theres 2k units in the solo event but how many units do you have to burn through just to get that and the 4th deals will have 7* deals
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    PikoluPikolu Posts: 7,010 Guardian
    4th of July
    4th of july will have better value for your units than this event
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    GiuliameijGiuliameij Posts: 1,849 ★★★★
    4th of July
    I made the mistake to go for this event. Please learn from my mistake! Wait for the 4th.
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    CrusaderjrCrusaderjr Posts: 1,059 ★★★★
    4th of July
    pretty sure they will have deals for 7* at higher rates but guaranteed drops or shards
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    JK_47JK_47 Posts: 243 ★★
    4th of July
    Blew 5k units on paragon crystals..that's 25 crystals and got one 7* star champion..
    Learn from my mistake
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    KennyPLKennyPL Posts: 114 ★★
    4th of July
    4th of July no doubt. Kid blew thru the units though. 10k down the drain... for a 6* Ultron :lol:
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    Ngoalong711Ngoalong711 Posts: 306 ★★
    4th of July
    JK_47 said:

    Blew 5k units on paragon crystals..that's 25 crystals and got one 7* star champion..
    Learn from my mistake

    hey you're lucky to get a 7 star out of 25 crystal though. 1%
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    xNigxNig Posts: 7,303 ★★★★★
    4th of July
    Spent 8-9k units on Paragon crystals. Got a 7* DM, a few 6*s and alot of 4/5*s..

    Save your units.
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    Mike3034Mike3034 Posts: 27
    Thanks everyone
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