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Why do 7* have 200 challenge rating?

RawrasurusRawrasurus Posts: 54 ★★
edited May 2023 in General Discussion
Just curious why 7* challenge rating is so absurd when you compare it to other rarities?
A max rank 4* has 100
A 6* r4 has 140
But a 7* r1 has 200?

What happened here? I knew from paragon events and EQ that fighting 7* my champs were never critting or procing abilities so this makes sense, but why??


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    DNA3000DNA3000 Posts: 18,989 Guardian
    Because they wanted them to be stronger. Although a 7* R1 is in many ways very similar in stats to a 6* R4, the devs wanted there to be clear differences. Combat power rate and challenge rating were two ways in which 7* champions are discontinuous or different from past rarity progression.

    Plus, I think most people exaggerate the difference in CR, because CR has a relatively small effect in the first place. Let's pick a random champion with some crit, say X-23. At 6* R4 X-23 has a critical rating stat of 773. Vs a CR 100 opponent that translates to a critical rate of 27.9%. Against CR 140 this drops to 26.0%. Against CR 200, critical rate drops to 23.6%

    From 27.9% down to 23.6%. That's a numerically significant difference, but one I doubt a player could actually observe with their eyeballs during gameplay. It takes a very large swing in CR to produce a change that players can actually see without whipping out a pencil and performing math. And the difference between 6* R4 CR140 and 7* R1 CR 200, which is 26.0% to 23.6%, is something I doubt most players could even measure the difference properly in gameplay testing. It is there, and in the long run it will statistically change damage, but in the grand scheme of things only by a relatively small amount (the combined difference for X-23 in reduced crit chance and reduced crit damage amounts to about 9.6% damage).

    Also, Challenge Rating does not, by default, affect ability accuracy.
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    RawrasurusRawrasurus Posts: 54 ★★
    According to Kabams first post 10 CR is equivalent to a 2.5% power difference. 60 rating would be equivalent to 15% less. Which im sorry to say is noticeable. When my champs become 15% worse for no reason at all it is 100% noticeable
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    OGAvengerOGAvenger Posts: 1,121 ★★★★★

    According to Kabams first post 10 CR is equivalent to a 2.5% power difference. 60 rating would be equivalent to 15% less. Which im sorry to say is noticeable. When my champs become 15% worse for no reason at all it is 100% noticeable

    Your champs didn’t get 15% worse. You gained champs that are 15% better.
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    DNA3000DNA3000 Posts: 18,989 Guardian

    According to Kabams first post 10 CR is equivalent to a 2.5% power difference. 60 rating would be equivalent to 15% less. Which im sorry to say is noticeable. When my champs become 15% worse for no reason at all it is 100% noticeable

    That's a very rough estimate, and it isn't extrapolatable in that way. For example, this would imply that a hypothetical 500 CR champion would reduce you to zero. But that's not how DR works.

    You may not be aware of this, but I wrote the first guide to DR on the (original) forums. And the second one. And the clarifying post for the original Kabam post on DR. And then I redocumented DR in my combat mechanics FAQ. DR is not something I need to use rules of thumb for. I can calculate its effects directly.

    For those that cannot or do not want to, our friend the Slug also has an online DR calculator. The explody is for crit damage, and the others are for everything else (because crit damage uses the 5X+0.5 additional modifier).
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    DNA3000DNA3000 Posts: 18,989 Guardian
    OGAvenger said:

    According to Kabams first post 10 CR is equivalent to a 2.5% power difference. 60 rating would be equivalent to 15% less. Which im sorry to say is noticeable. When my champs become 15% worse for no reason at all it is 100% noticeable

    Your champs didn’t get 15% worse. You gained champs that are 15% better.
    When we are using 7* champs, the higher CR does help us. When we are fighting 7* champs the higher CR does reduce our effectiveness somewhat. However, when we are facing 7* defenders in content, the content itself is modified by nodes and such to arrive at the difficulty desired. If the CR of 7* defenders was lower, Kabam would have just made the defensive nodes stronger instead. You still would have been weaker, you just would have been weaker i the sense of having to chew through more health, and your own ability to take damage would have been reduced by the defenders having more attack.

    DR/CR works in a different way than just node buffs, though, in a way that makes it easier to balance content. CR/DR hits you harder where you are stronger, but tends to leave you alone where you are weaker. For example, reducing critical rating reduces the damage of champions that rely upon high crit rates, but doesn't touch champs that do not crit. It reduces the effectiveness of high damage mitigation champs that use high defensive stats, but doesn't overwhelm champions with lower defensive stats into the dust.

    CR/DR is like a volume knob. It turns down strengths. It doesn't overpower strengths with overwhelming effects.
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    SummonerNRSummonerNR Posts: 11,290 Guardian
    @Moosetiptronic , this is the math you were looking for (from that “so much for free week of AQ” question of yours about 7* Challenge Rating)
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