Alliance Eligibility Issue

It seems like you need to have been in your current alliance for over one week before the 7-star celebration event started to be eligible for rewards. This was never stated in the livestream, patch notes, or forum posts.
The only response we have so far is from this thread in which Kabam Miike only references exploitations.
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Jax Will there be some sort of compensation to those players who participated in the event and become eligible during the event, but now can't collect the rewards?
The only response we have so far is from this thread in which Kabam Miike only references exploitations.
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Jax Will there be some sort of compensation to those players who participated in the event and become eligible during the event, but now can't collect the rewards?
Explotation of what?.. @Kabam Miike there was no info regarding the event itself to exploit.. and there was NO INFORMATION about minimum requirements to parcipate....
But as to “what exploit ?”, the most obvious is to prevent people from jumping around many different alliances all week long until they find one with a current Ally Event points total that is to their liking, and then say “OK, this is the one I want to get all the rewards from, because they will hit a high total points”.
(even if the 2nd reason, below, has other safeguards in place to prevent duplicate claiming, the reason above is also a prime factor for this).
And to a broader extent, to prevent ppl from claiming Milestone #1 in one Ally, moving to another that hasn’t reached #1 yet, stay there until #1 is reached and claim it again, etc, etc. (and now substitute final milestone instead of #1 into that scenario, multiple claims of final milestone, not good).
I guess what i am trying to say is .. if they were so worried about people exploiting they should have made an announcement, prevent honest players from being affected
Still now alliance rewards. Contributed 140k points to event. Not trying to cheat the system, went back to old alliance after a 2 month break. Sent in ticket.