Bug with objective.

I 100% completed the week 1 threat level 4 side quest a few days ago as a cavilier, however I’m now thronebreaker and the objective is not registering my completion of the side quest. I’ve tried doing a path of the level 4 side quest again but still not registered. Any help appreciated, thanks. 

With numerous new posts made every single day (been this way for months since they started doing progression based Objectives tied to completing quests), I wish they would just say *NO*, period, have to wait until next month when you will have access to that higher objective right away.
Same as with progression-based Monthly Calendar (you don’t get the higher calendar suddenly appearing when advancing progression until the day that the calendars would naturally rollover to a new one).
But since some people submitting Support Tickets have had that support person decide to give them that retroactive objective level, you can try submitting per below.