When was the last time these crystals were updated??

Time for another one! This should be done on a yearly basis, as the game changes. We have some 7*'s now, but very little resources for them. We have no 7* AG's, signature stones, T4 Alpha Cats, point boosts, Rank Up Gems, etc. for them. These badly need to be added, while keeping some of current resources for the smaller accounts.
When these were updated they were outdated. These crystals are not a "main" resource for anything other than low level sigs, gems and arena boosts.
If they added some 6* sig stones, better boosts (15% attack, 30% general), t5b and t2a, I would be thrilled.
Why are you hiding your number of shards, btw? We can see that it’s about 700k. 😉
So have three types of crystals but make it so that one maybe has a chance to reward 4* boosts, one rewards 5* boosts, and one rewards 6 and 7* boosts (whenever they come to the game).
You could set up the crystals the same way in terms of regular boosts as well: one crystals reward lvl1 boosts, one lvl2, another lvl3. I know that Kabam probably don't want people to constantly have an overabundance of the highest boosts possible, but at least give the different crystals a chance at different boosts. Then the lvl1 boosts might have a 20% chance to pop up while the lvl3 ones have a 5% chance, I don't care. I just want to minimize the whole "opening crystals, selling what I get because it's useless to me" cycle that I'm currently in if I ever even look at those crystals.
I'm far less concerned with them having 7* shards or rank 5 resources. Other places can have that. Just revamp these crystals to do what they do way better than they currently do them.