Battlegrounds Are Garbage For Fair Matching

It is almost impossible to get a fair match with 6*r3s in your deck. I was curious, so Today I tried a deck of 5*. Super outmatched. I then tried a deck of 2*. Astronomically outmatched. This proves there is no proper matching system. BG is garbage until that get fixed. Lol, if I want that much headache, I would go for Thronebreaker again hahahahahaahhaa.

The easy ride may have been finally adjusted this season on them but they still have easy ride to platinum at least.
I don't mean this in a sarcastic way at all, but do you know how BGs matchmaking works? Do you think that people should be matched by hero rating and not by their BG tier? What do you think the BG rankings (Bronze 3, Silver 2, etc) are for?
You are only matched in each bracket with those at similar prestige, not just whoever is in that bracket.
Woe betide a new paragon who takes up his sig 200 doom as one of the three first r4s..
OP, what is your prestige? Are those 2* your real strongest champs?
There is a "fix" coming that Kabam mentioned: seeding, or progress preservation. At some point in the future when the tech is completed, players will not start seasons from zero: they will keep some of their prior season's progress. This way stronger players start higher, weaker players start lower, and the players you match against will be more likely to have a similar competitive strength.
"Competitive strength" is not the same thing as roster strength, however, irrespective of future mode changes.
But if they add some method to collect rewards of tiers below your tier then it would probably be a way better system than the current broken one
Not saying you should just shut up and accept this, not at all. But giving you easier matchups than I get is not the answer, when we are fighting for the same rewards.
Multiple levels of BG makes the most sense to me, maybe separated by progression title or roster strength, and with different reward structures. That way you get easier matchups, but I get the chance at better rewards.
A battlegrounds match in which both sides have equally strong rosters might be a fair fight, but that's not the same thing as saying using that equal match to decide who promotes and who doesn't, who gets rewards and who doesn't, is itself fair.
Competitions are about judging the competitors against each other. A fair competition is supposed to decide by a reasonably fair process who is the best competitor, who is the worst competitor, and where everyone else falls in between. A competition in name that doesn't decide this equitably is not a real competition. But if everyone gets "fair" matches, and we define "fair matches" as a match where each side has a 50/50 chance of winning, then by definition the competition is choosing its winner randomly. Whomever wins the most coin tosses wins.
In any competition, the strongest player should end up on top. But that obviously cannot happen if everyone always has a 50/50 chance of winning.
And to be frank, I haven't heard of many people actually asking for "fair" matches. What they are asking for are matches in which there is no roster advantage. They believe if you equalize roster, they would win more than half the time. That's arbitrarily deciding that certain aspects of the competition are more important than others, that somehow stronger roster is "unfair" but faster thumbs is "fair." The game doesn't make that artificial distinction. Ability to win is all that matters. And if someone thinks that having a stronger roster is an unfair advantage in a progressional game that rewards stronger roster and gates progression in part by roster strength, they need to find a different game that aligns with their belief systems.
I understand its hard for kabam to fine tune the system .
Suggested solution , progression level, prestige and champs ratings should all be taking into account.
Add to that the number of champs in the account , their star level and rank level should greatly affect the match making.
For example a paragon account with ten r4 shouldn't be matched with paragon account with five r4 6* or lower . And so on .
Also the number of Consecutive wins or loss should be major indication that their is something wrong and adjust the matchmaking fairly.
And I shouldn’t have a harder time than you just because I’m more developed.
That makes the opposite of sense.
When you que battlegrounds. You are queuing in a competitive game mode, where you compete. but your post is asking to only compete with direct peers or smaller accounts? I guess? I don’t think that’s fair at all.
Why should paragon players have to face Beroman and Kurt to get to Gladiators Circuit while you guys get to farm fresh cav players for easy wins?
So while you complain, I say matchmaking is finally fixed.