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The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Why no cap on other stuff besides glory?

raviXsharmaraviXsharma Posts: 539 ★★★
If there's cap on glory then with same logic there should be cap on Gold, Units, and all other coins or points in the game. I think glory cap can be removed cuz hey, it's not bad to remove the cap? It ain't gonna do any bad for anyone. If anyone wanna spend, spend.


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    DeepworldDeepworld Posts: 284 ★★★
    You can’t buy glory but you can buy units.
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    If there's cap on glory then with same logic there should be cap on Gold, Units, and all other coins or points in the game. I think glory cap can be removed cuz hey, it's not bad to remove the cap? It ain't gonna do any bad for anyone. If anyone wanna spend, spend.

    there is a cap on elders marks, trophy tokens as well..... even incursion artifacts.
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    StarSmasher2001StarSmasher2001 Posts: 234 ★★

    If there's cap on glory then with same logic there should be cap on Gold, Units, and all other coins or points in the game. I think glory cap can be removed cuz hey, it's not bad to remove the cap? It ain't gonna do any bad for anyone. If anyone wanna spend, spend.

    There is technically a cap on gold. It's 9007199254740991, the max integer in Javascript.
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    Marvelfan30Marvelfan30 Posts: 1,171 ★★★★
    There is a gold cap...... No one has gotten to it bc it's a ridiculous amount of gold
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    Bugmat78Bugmat78 Posts: 2,258 ★★★★★

    If there's cap on glory then with same logic there should be cap on Gold, Units, and all other coins or points in the game. I think glory cap can be removed cuz hey, it's not bad to remove the cap? It ain't gonna do any bad for anyone. If anyone wanna spend, spend.

    There is technically a cap on gold. It's 9007199254740991, the max integer in Javascript.
    We should get this integer over to the Glory store lol
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    DNA3000DNA3000 Posts: 19,033 Guardian

    If there's cap on glory then with same logic there should be cap on Gold, Units, and all other coins or points in the game. I think glory cap can be removed cuz hey, it's not bad to remove the cap? It ain't gonna do any bad for anyone. If anyone wanna spend, spend.

    Intermediate currencies like Glory, Incursion Artifacts, and BG Trophy Tokens all have caps because the purpose to all of those currencies is to give players agency - choice in what they get. The instructive example is Glory. Once upon a time, there was no Glory, and players had no choice in their rewards. You got Map crystals for the specific Map you did, and for the scores you got. Those crystals had specific contents in them, and while they were random crystals their contents were targeted at specific types of rewards. If you wanted a reward that was in a Map 2 crystal but you were doing Map 6, you simply couldn't get that reward. Alliances were literally stepping down to do easy maps occasionally just to get the lower crystals, which was bizarre.

    To address this, Kabam replaced most of the crystal rewards with Glory and created the Glory store. That way, if an Alliance that was doing Map 6 wanted the rewards that normally dropped for Map 2 alliances, they didn't need to drop down and do Map 2, they could just use their Glory to buy those things instead (the "thing" in this case was specifically T1 Alpha, back when you needed a ton of those to rank up 5* champs).

    Glory wasn't added to the game so players could hoard it indefinitely. It is there to allow players to choose their rewards rather than have the rewards chosen for them. There's some discretion in how you save them up for needed stuff, but that discretion is not unlimited. You're supposed to get it, think about what you want, and then buy it. The flow of rewards from AQ to the player should be roughly the same before glory was added and after. Glory is just an intermediate step in the process.

    Incursion Artifacts and Trophy Tokens are similar currencies, albeit created specifically for those modes as they launched. The idea is to allow a wide range of players across a wide range of progress levels, all of which have different needs and appropriateness of rewards, to play the mode and earn "the right" rewards, using the stores to give them choices while also limiting what they can get.

    Currencies like Gold and Loyalty were not originally created for that purpose. They are not handed to us as a placeholder for us to choose what to get. Gold is a currency often used in conjunction with other materials to enable their use. It isn't often used as a direct currency unto itself. In other words, the game doesn't hand you gold and expect you to spend it to buy something else. You earn gold to enable the use of other materials, when those other materials are spent. Because of that, there's no specific intent for gold to be spent at any particular time relative to when it is earned. There's often nothing to spend it on. So there's no cap on gold, because there's no intent for players to spend it quickly.
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    DNA3000DNA3000 Posts: 19,033 Guardian

    If there's cap on glory then with same logic there should be cap on Gold, Units, and all other coins or points in the game. I think glory cap can be removed cuz hey, it's not bad to remove the cap? It ain't gonna do any bad for anyone. If anyone wanna spend, spend.

    There is technically a cap on gold. It's 9007199254740991, the max integer in Javascript.
    More specifically, that value is 2^53-1.

    This happens to be the largest exact integer expressible as a 64-bit floating point number (technicalese: IEEE754 format). It isn't the largest integer in Javascript, it is the largest safe value containable within a Javascript Number type (higher than that and you get overflows). Javascript I believe also has BigInts, which can go higher than that.

    It is the gold cap in the game for analogous reasons. Its the largest safe number for 64-bit floating point. Which is a tad weird, as the damage cap in the game is 2^31-1, which is the maximum value containable in signed 32-bit integers. Why gold isn't 2^63-1, the maximum 64-bit signed integer, is probably just one of those things that was set odd conceptually (why would we need floating point numbers for gold) but has no real practical impact so was left alone.
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