So only alliance affiliated players doing the correct map in the correct way are eligible for a reliable source of T4CC shards?
I think it IS time for a T4cc proving ground but that's mainly because I am not related to the above scenario.
Casual players or those not invested in daily war/quest are no threat to anyone by having access to R5/3 but the flipside is it opens up a whole new field of recruits when some of these players decide to get involved.
Either way, I'm not getting sandy in the nether regions about it but expert proving grounds would be nice.
Well aq was designed to get resources needed to rank up champs quicker and they have had t4cc shard quests before but they kinda suck. A quest where you get t4cc makes a lot of content less desirable to complete if you can just do a quest that would most likely be pretty easy
They def need to make them more available to the community & make t2a’s the new t4cc cause 5*’s are the new 4*’s & Kabam needs to realize this. It shouldn’t take 2 years before we can get t2a’s in the regular & 2+ years to not even be able to fully rank a 5* since their release, it’s def a head scratcher & most of the community still struggles to fully rank a 4* smh
I am thinking the amount of fragments could be very low if it was made available for daily grinding. Would it be really worth it?
However, a return of the Expert Daily Quests could be interesting though I can't remember the quantities awarded.
Expert Daily Quests
Here just for the holidays! To expand on the Daily Quest system, three new Daily Quests have been added to the weekly cycle: Expert Daily Quests! From Monday to Saturday, three 48 hour long quests will offer TIER 4 CLASS CATALYST FRAGMENTS, similar to the Expert Proving Grounds. Each 48 hour period will be lined up with the two classes available in standard dailies during that time:
Monday and Tuesday: Skill and Mutant Expert Daily Quest
Wednesday and Thursday: Science and Mystic Expert Daily Quest
Friday and Saturday: Cosmic and Tech Expert Daily Quest
Though each quest will contain fragments for BOTH classes, you will be able to choose which type you prefer to collect from the chests by taking the marked path for that class.
These quests will run December 7th 2016 - January 7th 2017.
Making a T4B from shard in the proving ground makes anyone cry who has no real problem getting them elsewhere, I would grind like a mofo to make one t4cc a month from similar simply because it would be my only reliable source.
T4cc has become too exclusive to alliances for the health of the game. And, as pointed out above, I doubt that a daily would result in players saying, "wow guess I don't need to be in an alliance anymore! Now I can farm t4cc shards all by myself!" Additionally, more t4cc would improve the pool of lower tier players capable of moving to an alliance, some who have been stalled in one place for months.
When kabam legitimately adds more t1as and t4bs to this game that don’t require sacrificing progression to obtain, I would be okay with t4cc proving ground. I won’t usr it as all my t4ccs go to overflow right now, but whatever.
I am curious if any of the people clamoring for this are the same people who constantly argue we don’t need more t1as though
Having an expert class proving ground that rotates along with the existing class proving grounds that, if it was based on the t4b shard one, gave you roughly 3k shards for completing it, would not suddenly have people swimming in T4CC.
Some simple math. You get 3k, per class, once a week, assuming you did every day's quest.
That is 12 weeks, or 3 months, of solid farming each day (other than Sunday), probably requiring you to buy energy refills, especially if you are also trying to do the T4b shard quest each day as well. (Because as any high level player will tell you, T4CC are useless without T4B). And that doesn't include trying to do the monthly event quests.
So, 3 months later, you have 1 T4CC of each class. Gratz, you are 1/3 of the way to getting a r5 4*. Assuming no external sources of T4CC you happen across, we'll see you in 6 more months when you have 3 full T4CC, not to mention a butt load of T4B, to finally rank a handful of champs.
9 months of steady farming, (and likely spending a fair amount of units on refills along the way), seems like a fair trade off.
I am curious if any of the people clamoring for this are the same people who constantly argue we don’t need more t1as though
Nope. More everything would be nice but class cats dont make calendars very often, cant get them from doing monthly quests and the rate of 5* drops for people not in alliances means alphas as a bottleneck wont really be a problem.
I get it sucks for high tier players and I get that there must be a progression curve built into the game but a R5 4* just isn't that special anymore, unless you don't have one.
I'll be fighting 6* before I make a questing team of 5/50's, T4B arena death teams will be proper death teams and any alliance that would take me probably isnt earning the rewards I need to progress in order to get to an alliance that will grow my roster.
Just curious why high end items should be in daily maps where low end like t1a are not. I stuck with a bunch of t4cc but takes me a month or more to get alpha to do anything about it. I take a 5* from r1 straight to r3 there goes my 10 t1a and stuck again for another month to do next one.
It seems like it is needed a "trick" to not just harvest resource but to timed it right so that everything falls in place for that perfect rank-up and after it is done, there are still sufficient level of resource to do another within a short time.
The past t4cc quests provides about 1080 shards so I don’t see Kabam adding a quest that gives more than past quests
My recollection is that those quests gave 1020 total fragments per class, and each had two classes within it. So hypothetically you could earn 2040 fragments for fully completing the map, 1020 for each class on each half of the map.
It took about double the energy of the T4B fragment map to fully complete.
Having an expert class proving ground that rotates along with the existing class proving grounds that, if it was based on the t4b shard one, gave you roughly 3k shards for completing it, would not suddenly have people swimming in T4CC.
Some simple math. You get 3k, per class, once a week, assuming you did every day's quest.
That is 12 weeks, or 3 months, of solid farming each day (other than Sunday), probably requiring you to buy energy refills, especially if you are also trying to do the T4b shard quest each day as well. (Because as any high level player will tell you, T4CC are useless without T4B). And that doesn't include trying to do the monthly event quests.
So, 3 months later, you have 1 T4CC of each class. Gratz, you are 1/3 of the way to getting a r5 4*. Assuming no external sources of T4CC you happen across, we'll see you in 6 more months when you have 3 full T4CC, not to mention a butt load of T4B, to finally rank a handful of champs.
9 months of steady farming, (and likely spending a fair amount of units on refills along the way), seems like a fair trade off.
In nine months you make it seem like you'll finally have enough T4CC to rank up a champion to 5/50. But actually, in nine months you'll have enough T4CC to rank up *six* champions, one of each class. That means you're averaging one rank up every month and a half. That's pretty good actually, especially because this *stack* on top of any other source of T4CC you might have. This is very high compared to what most alliances outside of the highest expert tier are earning. And you want to allow a solo player to generate that much rewards relative to the amount earnable by the combined effort of an entire alliance?
And it is faster than that, because of casual round off. It will actually take 36 weeks to earn 18 T4CC crystals, three of each class, under this scheme. That's actually eight months and about two weeks.
Another way to look at it: this is 18000 T4CC fragments a week or the equivalent of half a T4CC a week. That is almost as fast as I earn T4CC in the expert tier and faster than anyone could likely be earning them in the advanced tier. Compared to the costs of actually running AQ, this could be more efficient than most alliances even in the expert tier.
It would be nice to have an easier way to earn T4CC. I don’t know why it Kabam makes it so difficult to level up our champs. It certainly doesn’t make the game more fun. Higher AQs earn them faster. You need better champs to get into a higher alliance. It ends up being a trap. If they offered something the rest of us could do, AQs would still earn them faster by doing both.
It would be nice to have an easier way to earn T4CC. I don’t know why it Kabam makes it so difficult to level up our champs. It certainly doesn’t make the game more fun. Higher AQs earn them faster. You need better champs to get into a higher alliance. It ends up being a trap. If they offered something the rest of us could do, AQs would still earn them faster by doing both.
Kabam makes it difficult to level up to the top because games that make that easy simply quickly cease to exist. Game companies catch the hint very quickly: players say they want certain things, but they punish game companies that actually give them those things.
Game companies need you to want but not have. If you don't want, they don't get any players. But if you have, they will lose all their players. This is not theory. This is history.
That's why these arguments don't work on game companies. They are unwilling to become unemployed to prove you wrong.
Kabam makes it difficult to level up to the top because games that make that easy simply quickly cease to exist. Game companies catch the hint very quickly: players say they want certain things, but they punish game companies that actually give them those things.
Game companies need you to want but not have. If you don't want, they don't get any players. But if you have, they will lose all their players. This is not theory. This is history.
That's why these arguments don't work on game companies. They are unwilling to become unemployed to prove you wrong.
No. What Kabam does is extreme. There are over 100 playable champions, and they add more regularly. Getting top champions through crystals takes a very long time. Leveling up those champions also takes a very long time. Making it a little easier to earn T4CC fragments is not suddenly going to make everyone have maxed out roster, get bored, and then leave the game. That is ridiculous.
My issue is not with having to earn my champs. I would rather do that than buy them. My issue is that there is a wall between the top players and the rest of us. Arenas for top champions have cutoffs that are too high for most of us. Top alliances require not only high skill but massive high PI rosters. They deserve to be in the top tier, but that does mean the rest of us have to be satisfied begging for scraps.
Game companies need you to want but not have. If you don't want, they don't get any players. But if you have, they will lose all their players. This is not theory. This is history.
R5/R3 is a brick wall when it should be a speedhump.
I don't think it will happen regardless but it is something that does no harm.
No. What Kabam does is extreme. There are over 100 playable champions, and they add more regularly. Getting top champions through crystals takes a very long time. Leveling up those champions also takes a very long time. Making it a little easier to earn T4CC fragments is not suddenly going to make everyone have maxed out roster, get bored, and then leave the game. That is ridiculous.
MCOC is not even noteworthy among F2P games. On a scale of one to ten, MCOC is about a three. Look at Seatin's F2P account progress to see what a totally free player playing only part time (he still plays his main account and other games) can do in only a few months. Look at Brian's F2P account to see what can be done when you dedicate a lot of time over time. You can make up excuses for how they don't represent what the average player can do, but the fact remains that in true pay to win games or progressional roadblock games this is not just difficult, it is totally impossible.
Game companies need you to want but not have. If you don't want, they don't get any players. But if you have, they will lose all their players. This is not theory. This is history.
R5/R3 is a brick wall when it should be a speedhump.
I don't think it will happen regardless but it is something that does no harm.
As I said: the problem with this position is that no one is going to risk their job to prove you wrong (or right).
Resources do get easier to obtain over time: that is part of the normal evolution of the game. Rank up resources are, for the most part, far easier to obtain now than they were a year ago, and they were a lot easier to obtain a year ago than two years ago. In a year they will be easier again. But this happens through a development curve that takes place over long periods of time in a relatively slow manner. You can ask for more, but by the time you convince them, it will probably be time for them to increase them naturally anyway.
Why not? Seems like a pretty logical continuation of the quests we do have.
I think it IS time for a T4cc proving ground but that's mainly because I am not related to the above scenario.
Casual players or those not invested in daily war/quest are no threat to anyone by having access to R5/3 but the flipside is it opens up a whole new field of recruits when some of these players decide to get involved.
Either way, I'm not getting sandy in the nether regions about it but expert proving grounds would be nice.
However, a return of the Expert Daily Quests could be interesting though I can't remember the quantities awarded.
all in all though, they really should revamp the daily quests. The maps and challengers at the very least with the updated roster.
I am curious if any of the people clamoring for this are the same people who constantly argue we don’t need more t1as though
Some simple math. You get 3k, per class, once a week, assuming you did every day's quest.
That is 12 weeks, or 3 months, of solid farming each day (other than Sunday), probably requiring you to buy energy refills, especially if you are also trying to do the T4b shard quest each day as well. (Because as any high level player will tell you, T4CC are useless without T4B). And that doesn't include trying to do the monthly event quests.
So, 3 months later, you have 1 T4CC of each class. Gratz, you are 1/3 of the way to getting a r5 4*. Assuming no external sources of T4CC you happen across, we'll see you in 6 more months when you have 3 full T4CC, not to mention a butt load of T4B, to finally rank a handful of champs.
9 months of steady farming, (and likely spending a fair amount of units on refills along the way), seems like a fair trade off.
Maybe you do but others need the t4cc t1 a are cheap in glory store compared to t4bc
Nope. More everything would be nice but class cats dont make calendars very often, cant get them from doing monthly quests and the rate of 5* drops for people not in alliances means alphas as a bottleneck wont really be a problem.
I get it sucks for high tier players and I get that there must be a progression curve built into the game but a R5 4* just isn't that special anymore, unless you don't have one.
I'll be fighting 6* before I make a questing team of 5/50's, T4B arena death teams will be proper death teams and any alliance that would take me probably isnt earning the rewards I need to progress in order to get to an alliance that will grow my roster.
Purely selfish I know but aint we all?
My recollection is that those quests gave 1020 total fragments per class, and each had two classes within it. So hypothetically you could earn 2040 fragments for fully completing the map, 1020 for each class on each half of the map.
It took about double the energy of the T4B fragment map to fully complete.
In nine months you make it seem like you'll finally have enough T4CC to rank up a champion to 5/50. But actually, in nine months you'll have enough T4CC to rank up *six* champions, one of each class. That means you're averaging one rank up every month and a half. That's pretty good actually, especially because this *stack* on top of any other source of T4CC you might have. This is very high compared to what most alliances outside of the highest expert tier are earning. And you want to allow a solo player to generate that much rewards relative to the amount earnable by the combined effort of an entire alliance?
And it is faster than that, because of casual round off. It will actually take 36 weeks to earn 18 T4CC crystals, three of each class, under this scheme. That's actually eight months and about two weeks.
Another way to look at it: this is 18000 T4CC fragments a week or the equivalent of half a T4CC a week. That is almost as fast as I earn T4CC in the expert tier and faster than anyone could likely be earning them in the advanced tier. Compared to the costs of actually running AQ, this could be more efficient than most alliances even in the expert tier.
Kabam makes it difficult to level up to the top because games that make that easy simply quickly cease to exist. Game companies catch the hint very quickly: players say they want certain things, but they punish game companies that actually give them those things.
Game companies need you to want but not have. If you don't want, they don't get any players. But if you have, they will lose all their players. This is not theory. This is history.
That's why these arguments don't work on game companies. They are unwilling to become unemployed to prove you wrong.
My issue is not with having to earn my champs. I would rather do that than buy them. My issue is that there is a wall between the top players and the rest of us. Arenas for top champions have cutoffs that are too high for most of us. Top alliances require not only high skill but massive high PI rosters. They deserve to be in the top tier, but that does mean the rest of us have to be satisfied begging for scraps.
R5/R3 is a brick wall when it should be a speedhump.
I don't think it will happen regardless but it is something that does no harm.
If T4CCs are easily available, I suppose there are going to be more who has nothing to do once the permanent quests are completed.
If these are also not in Alliances, it is time to move to another game.
MCOC is not even noteworthy among F2P games. On a scale of one to ten, MCOC is about a three. Look at Seatin's F2P account progress to see what a totally free player playing only part time (he still plays his main account and other games) can do in only a few months. Look at Brian's F2P account to see what can be done when you dedicate a lot of time over time. You can make up excuses for how they don't represent what the average player can do, but the fact remains that in true pay to win games or progressional roadblock games this is not just difficult, it is totally impossible.
As I said: the problem with this position is that no one is going to risk their job to prove you wrong (or right).
Resources do get easier to obtain over time: that is part of the normal evolution of the game. Rank up resources are, for the most part, far easier to obtain now than they were a year ago, and they were a lot easier to obtain a year ago than two years ago. In a year they will be easier again. But this happens through a development curve that takes place over long periods of time in a relatively slow manner. You can ask for more, but by the time you convince them, it will probably be time for them to increase them naturally anyway.