Why do you think we've seen a sharp decline in new mutant champs?



  • VendemiaireVendemiaire Member Posts: 2,184 ★★★★★
    Nimrod and Omega Sentinal erridicate mutants too easily
    When Questing was the big thing, Mutant class was the dominant class as they get stronger the more of them you bring. But as the focus is steering to Battlegrounds, these Mutants on their own aren't at the top of the food chain because of the plethora of niche defensive mechanics that has arrived that Mutants have no natural counter for.

    It used to be my favorite class but right now aside from Kitty, I can't think of anyone worthy to R5 unlike all the other classes. Not that the mutant class is weak but all the other classes had just become too modern for them. They class needs an evolution, a mutation. Lol.
  • Intensity108Intensity108 Member Posts: 327 ★★
    Most of the REALLY iconic mutants are in the game already

    still really want Mystique and Pyro
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 7,070 ★★★★★

    When Questing was the big thing, Mutant class was the dominant class as they get stronger the more of them you bring. But as the focus is steering to Battlegrounds, these Mutants on their own aren't at the top of the food chain because of the plethora of niche defensive mechanics that has arrived that Mutants have no natural counter for.

    It used to be my favorite class but right now aside from Kitty, I can't think of anyone worthy to R5 unlike all the other classes. Not that the mutant class is weak but all the other classes had just become too modern for them. They class needs an evolution, a mutation. Lol.

    Just kitty? The disrespect to apocalypse is insane.
  • KnightNvrEndingKnightNvrEnding Member Posts: 452 ★★★
    The mutant class exploded some time ago and became too powerful
    Could have got a new one with Marrow 👀😂
  • SyndicatedSyndicated Member Posts: 714 ★★★★
    Scarlet Witch said "No more mutants" and poof
    We Say that Mutant Class is powerful

    But few people rank mutants...
  • Real_Madrid_76_2Real_Madrid_76_2 Member Posts: 3,580 ★★★★★
    The mutant class exploded some time ago and became too powerful
    What were the last good mutants we saw(except buffed champs)?
  • TheBlindSalmonTheBlindSalmon Member Posts: 87

    Mutant class is one of the bottom classes currently, we definitely need more champs for it. Particularly champs that don't require much investment. Most of the top mutants need dupe (aa, kitty, omega red, domino, namor, toad, colossus).

    Aa doesn’t need dupe kitty doesn’t need dupe domino doesn’t NEED dupe, also apoc doesn’t need dupe, bishop, storm x, havok, magneto, professor x. There’s probably more that i am forgetting. Mutant class is top 3 class easily. Also toad and colossus and namor are not “top mutants”
    I will agree that Domino doesn't need dupe, unless you want to place her in def. AA and Kitty? Absolutely do, even if sig 1 is enough. It adds so much utility to both of them. Without dupe Archangel i just a champ that deals a lot of DoT. With it, he's top 5 mutant. And full damage immunity for Kitty during phase lets her take care of so many more fights with constant damage over time without care - Havok, Terrax, literally any hazard shift or similar node... Not to mention cheesing miss counters via sp3 spamming.
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,191 ★★★★★

    the plethora of niche defensive mechanics that has arrived that Mutants have no natural counter for.

    You mean, defensive mechanisms like Tenacity/Cleanse? as countered by Apocalypse, Bishop, Storm, Storm X, Havok, Omega Red, and Sabertooth (with Killmonger synergy)...?
    (Apoc can't do Cleanse, but the others can)

    Evade? as countered by Apocalypse, Stryfe, Iceman, Professor X, Captain Britain, Emma Frost.

    Miss? as countered by Professor X, Red Magneto, Weapon X.

    Power Stings and Proximity damage? countered by Namor and Kitty.

    And that's just considering the opponent's 'defensive mechanisms'.

    The mutant class also has a high number of Immunities/Resistances, Energy resistance, Regeneration, and most have a decent ability to inflict damage.

    I mean, it's not hard to find Utility in mutants, if you just look.
  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★
    The mutant class exploded some time ago and became too powerful

    When Questing was the big thing, Mutant class was the dominant class as they get stronger the more of them you bring. But as the focus is steering to Battlegrounds, these Mutants on their own aren't at the top of the food chain because of the plethora of niche defensive mechanics that has arrived that Mutants have no natural counter for.

    It used to be my favorite class but right now aside from Kitty, I can't think of anyone worthy to R5 unlike all the other classes. Not that the mutant class is weak but all the other classes had just become too modern for them. They class needs an evolution, a mutation. Lol.

    apoc disrespect is mad crazy
  • KnightOfTheRealmKnightOfTheRealm Member Posts: 956 ★★★
    Something else entirely

    the plethora of niche defensive mechanics that has arrived that Mutants have no natural counter for.

    You mean, defensive mechanisms like Tenacity/Cleanse? as countered by Apocalypse, Bishop, Storm, Storm X, Havok, Omega Red, and Sabertooth (with Killmonger synergy)...?
    (Apoc can't do Cleanse, but the others can)

    Evade? as countered by Apocalypse, Stryfe, Iceman, Professor X, Captain Britain, Emma Frost.

    Miss? as countered by Professor X, Red Magneto, Weapon X.

    Power Stings and Proximity damage? countered by Namor and Kitty.

    And that's just considering the opponent's 'defensive mechanisms'.

    The mutant class also has a high number of Immunities/Resistances, Energy resistance, Regeneration, and most have a decent ability to inflict damage.

    I mean, it's not hard to find Utility in mutants, if you just look.
    Power gain? Buffs? Debuffs? Defense?
    Domino, Bishop, Havok, and Toad are the top mutant defenders that come to mind, and they're all easy to counter except domino.
  • Shake_a_QuakeShake_a_Quake Member Posts: 462 ★★★
    The mutant class exploded some time ago and became too powerful
    This should apply to cosmic too then!! Why can't we temporarily halt cosmics. We've got herc, galan, hulkling, knull, hype, adam war, venompool, sersi, Angela, Corvie, cgr... Just ENOUGH. Undisputed OP class in the game rn
  • UsagicassidyUsagicassidy Member Posts: 1,861 ★★★★★

    Most of the REALLY iconic mutants are in the game already

    You could say that with almost any class/team/book at this point. I mean, you have freaking Stryfe and Sauron in the game already.

    But they could add: Polaris, Dani Moonstar, Cannonball, Rictor, M, Wolfsbane, Multiple Man, Jean Grey, Pixie, Mystique, Banshee, Marrow, Maggot, Husk, Blink, Legion, Rachel, Maddie Pryor, Forge, Armor, Dazzler, Shaw, Daken, Northstar, Rasputin, Synch, Fantomex, Vulcan, Surge, Elixir, Mercury, and so many more.

    Not to mention Mutant has the most dupes and duds of any class (two bad Cyclops', 4 different Deadpools, Beast, Psylocke, multiple Wolverines, a random non-comic book character in Storm Pyramid X when they could've added someone cool like Bloodstorm)

    Really hoping we get two mutants this June and not just one. And that they help reignite excitement in the Mutant class.
  • TheLightBringerTheLightBringer Member Posts: 452 ★★★★
    Something else entirely
    Just a coincidence
  • Caleb1705Caleb1705 Member Posts: 260 ★★★
    We have a lot of X-Men and the Brotherhood grew pretty steadily

    but where are all the Morlocks Kabam??
  • Wu_Bangerz23Wu_Bangerz23 Member Posts: 1,086 ★★★
    edited May 2023
    My hope is they slowed down because they still have 3-4 of the most powerful mutants NOT in the game... patiently waiting on Mystique, Franklin Richards, Legion and the one I want to see the most is Onslaught. No to mention they need to do justice for Jean Gray ....the way the animation team has been lately has me hoping we are soon going to see mystique....there are endless possibilities with her. Bringing the shang tsun of marvel to the game would be epic....imagine having a preflight ability where you could turn into your enemy?!?....or better yet turn into any champ in the game??? Even if it was only for a few seconds....She wouldn't be able to have their op abilities but you could definitely make her take on their immunities
  • Sundance_2099Sundance_2099 Member Posts: 3,630 ★★★★★
    Something else entirely

    My hope is they slowed down because they still have 3-4 of the most powerful mutants NOT in the game... patiently waiting on Mystique, Franklin Richards, Legion and the one I want to see the most is Onslaught. No to mention they need to do justice for Jean Gray ....the way the animation team has been lately has me hoping we are soon going to see mystique....there are endless possibilities with her. Bringing the shang tsun of marvel to the game would be epic....imagine having a preflight ability where you could turn into your enemy?!?....or better yet turn into any champ in the game??? Even if it was only for a few seconds....She wouldn't be able to have their op abilities but you could definitely make her take on their immunities

    imagine the server strain, the lag, the never ending spinny wheel of doom in the corner. What you're suggesting is beyond ludicrous. Besides, Mystique can't copy powers. I really don't get why people are so desperate for her, she'd just be a mutant Black Widow, or Domino without the luck powers.
  • altavistaaltavista Member Posts: 1,615 ★★★★
    Since there is a good amount of tie-in with the MCU, probably 1/3 - 1/2 of the champions released a year are related to MCU tie-ins. So the fact that the movies/TV aren't going to be a consistent source of 'required' Mutant champions for awhile (at least until Marvel starts releasing the X-men movie and has more mutants) contributes to some of the lower number of mutant champions.

    But, overall, I don't really see any significant trend. There were years where it felt like there were barely any Tech champions released, just as there were barely any Science champions released some years. It is just a part of the standard ebb and flow of champion releases.
  • ShadowstrikeShadowstrike Member Posts: 3,120 ★★★★★

    My hope is they slowed down because they still have 3-4 of the most powerful mutants NOT in the game... patiently waiting on Mystique, Franklin Richards, Legion and the one I want to see the most is Onslaught. No to mention they need to do justice for Jean Gray ....the way the animation team has been lately has me hoping we are soon going to see mystique....there are endless possibilities with her. Bringing the shang tsun of marvel to the game would be epic....imagine having a preflight ability where you could turn into your enemy?!?....or better yet turn into any champ in the game??? Even if it was only for a few seconds....She wouldn't be able to have their op abilities but you could definitely make her take on their immunities

    Mystique can't copy powers and in terms of immunities, she can have a resistance to bleed and poison but generally, her Regen would be similar to Sabertooth's.

    That being said, she does have enhanced strength and an extremely capable martial artist
  • ahmynutsahmynuts Member Posts: 8,175 ★★★★★
    The mutant class exploded some time ago and became too powerful
    It's great to see some people finally understanding that mystique would not be a broken op beyond god tier omega level SS top of every single tier list champion
  • FrydayFryday Member Posts: 1,334 ★★★★

    DNA3000 said:

    Kabam typically adds about 24 champs to the game every year. There are six classes, so on average you would expect about four champs of each class per year. This is the actual breakdown, by class, per year (according to Auntm.ai):

    I don't really see a steep decline myself. Mutant has sometimes had more champs added than the other classes (2016, 2018) but never the least (Science in 2017, Mystic in 2018, Tech in 2019, Tech again in 2020). If we look at the last three full years (2020 - 2022) Mutant had eleven champs added which is below average, but not the worst: Tech in the same span had nine champs added.

    True, in the last two full years Mutant has had the fewest, but in each year it had one less than what you'd expect on average (3, instead of 4) which isn't a big deal in the grand scheme of things.

    In terms of total champs in the game, Mutant and Tech are tied, but not for last pace: for second to last place. Mystic is actually the lowest with 38 champs (compared to 40 for Mutant and Tech each). Given that the year isn't over yet, my guess is there are some mutants coming to balance things out.

    I remember the great Science drought of 2016/2017! What a time... Fun fact, MODOK was going to be Tech, but had his class changed because we didn't have a Science Champ in quite some time.

    (Also, my vote in this poll was my personal opinion, not the game team's... I love every mutant, but I love them all even more because of Apocalypse)
    Hi @Kabam Miike , in that case is there any chance this new Summoner Choice champ, Gladiator, could be a Mutant instead, since we are in such a Mutant drought this year lol :D:D:D
  • UsagicassidyUsagicassidy Member Posts: 1,861 ★★★★★

    My hope is they slowed down because they still have 3-4 of the most powerful mutants NOT in the game... patiently waiting on Mystique, Franklin Richards, Legion and the one I want to see the most is Onslaught.

    I hate that Dan Scott made Franklin NOT A MUTANT. Especially since it was right after Jonathan Hickman emphasized that he in fact WAS. The comics frustrate me sometimes.
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