Does kabam test their fight before they put them out?

This mantis fight is the biggest BS! Not only are the node combinations rdiculous. The input interactions are completely broken with the fight when I can get a five hit combo in if I lunch special directly after it’s blocked like I was too slow or something. Then the timing of the nude interactions always seems to perfectly drop when you need to do a certain input. Launch special special walk, launch special freeze. Then trying to find an opening catch one. Somehow she blocked you after her combo. Such a joke of a fight!
I used Hulking for all my runs, but any high damage mutant will work fine.
You have to intercept a lot.
It’s a hard fight, for sure.
Even so, it is an annoying fight but not overly difficult so not sure where you are getting it is a money grab. First time I did it, I used sp3, saw didn't behave intended and then adapted, it's not hard. At most should only cost a couple of revives which are basically free, so again not a money grab.