Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Post your team for everything



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    Husalah2010Husalah2010 Posts: 12
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    Derek2k18Derek2k18 Posts: 79

    If you had to go into a quest blind, who are you taking?

    My Team:

    - Professor X
    - Magneto
    - Colossus
    - Omega Red
    - Dr Doom

    Hey I’m just curious so why are so many disagreeing with your nice and honest question of peoples fav top 5? Ive literally come here mahbe 10 times in 8 years and it’s always toxic. Anyway I love your choice of prof x and he is probably the most broken champion in the game with his l3 spam mutant boost ability nobody seems to care about. Anyway I gave you an agreed to lessen the toxicity.

    Mine are
    Prof x, scorpion, Shang chi, cull obsidian, Mephisto
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    Derek2k18Derek2k18 Posts: 79

    Though it’s really just Doom and Herc.

    😂😂😂 doom and herc pretty nasty man 😂. Maybe add them and one immune to everything champion and you win the game bro
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    Luke9523Luke9523 Posts: 917 ★★★
    If I'm not checking nodes or paths, I'll just go for:

    - Doctor Doom
    - Warlock
    - Masacre
    - King Groot
    - Red Hulk

    I've got power control, bleed/incinerate/poison/shock/coldsnap immune, as well as champs that inflict; shock, incinerate, poison and bleed damage.
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    KerneasKerneas Posts: 3,768 ★★★★★
    1) Hercules
    2) Doom
    3) Shang Chi
    4) Torch/Magneto
    5) variable (depends whom I need - usually Peni, QS, SpideySup, Wiccan, Titania etc)
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    Gainsley_HarriottGainsley_Harriott Posts: 255 ★★
    Derek2k18 said:

    If you had to go into a quest blind, who are you taking?

    My Team:

    - Professor X
    - Magneto
    - Colossus
    - Omega Red
    - Dr Doom

    Hey I’m just curious so why are so many disagreeing with your nice and honest question of peoples fav top 5? Ive literally come here mahbe 10 times in 8 years and it’s always toxic. Anyway I love your choice of prof x and he is probably the most broken champion in the game with his l3 spam mutant boost ability nobody seems to care about. Anyway I gave you an agreed to lessen the toxicity.

    Mine are
    Prof x, scorpion, Shang chi, cull obsidian, Mephisto
    It’s because I’ve made multiple similar threads.

    I thought they would all get washed out and didn’t know people would get so annoyed by it.

    I’m new here but at least now I know the general vibes.

    Also appreciate your comments :)
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    LpooLpoo Posts: 2,215 ★★★★★

    Nothing they can’t handle
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    Ironside47Ironside47 Posts: 470 ★★★
    edited May 2023

    With HT as an alternative
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    H3t3rH3t3r Posts: 2,882 Guardian
    Crossbones-For any #Hero champs.

    Hood-For any champs that have buffs

    Adam Warlock- For his unblockable, basically guaranteed crits and his buffs.

    Kingpin- For any fights Crossbones can't take.

    Ghost- Obvious reasons.
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    TerminatrixTerminatrix Posts: 1,825 ★★★★★
    edited May 2023
    Hard for me to pick just one team 😂
    I'll also add "magenta" Magneto if I decide to switch up.

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    Gainsley_HarriottGainsley_Harriott Posts: 255 ★★
    edited September 2023
    Bumping this for a good team I’ve thought of:
    - Professor X
    - Kitty Pryde
    - Quicksilver
    - Immortal Hulk
    - Hercules

    Counters evade, miss, auto-block, unstoppable, reverse controls, purify/masochism, has non-contact attacks and counters it, easy intercepts, immune/resistant to bleed/poison/incinerate, power control, heal-block with despair, debuffs, buffs, passives, damage-back mitigation and immortality.
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    MasterAMasterA Posts: 531 ★★★
    Spider ham
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    Swixsy_63Swixsy_63 Posts: 36
    Mine would most definitely be

    As for the fifth it may vary between Apoc/Scorp/Shuri
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    Sachhyam257Sachhyam257 Posts: 1,070 ★★★★

    I'll sub in Lady D and Adam for Herc and Abs man when possible.
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    Agent_7Agent_7 Posts: 182 ★★
    edited September 2023
    Hercules (The Insurance Policy)
    OG Hulk (Stun Lock + Immunity)
    Colossus (Parry Heavy Damage + Immunity)
    Juggernaut (Just Smash + Nullify/Stagger)
    Warlock (Power Control + Immunity)

    EDIT: There are some useful base stat synergies here as well. And as class-diverse as a team of 5 can be.
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    13579rebel_13579rebel_ Posts: 2,528 ★★★★★
    edited September 2023
    Scorpion Zemo Herc Nimrod Abs Man
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    KlippKlipp Posts: 197 ★★
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    ErcarretErcarret Posts: 2,809 ★★★★★
    Black Cat
    Human Torch

    I might switch Kitty for Nimrod, though. It would depend on how many annoying mutants it was on the path.
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    Legotb27Legotb27 Posts: 57
    I gotta go with my bois
    -Dr. Doom
    -Iron Man
    -Shang Chi
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