Weapon X Regen reversible?

I checked seatin video where he is fighting weapon x with torch and the regen rate changes to negetive when some incinerate debuffs are applied. So the regen rate does change. I used magneto to kill him off in war but theres no change in regen rate. Why?
The fight starts at 10:26. After applying 4 incinerate, the regen is reversed
That's despair working + in HT abilities it's specifically mentioned that reduced regen by 20% per incinerate.
It's not reversed. It's just blocked. You can see green regen numbers time to time.
That's a r4 Wx is his regen that small with 10 stacks of regen? Just asking.
Since the thread alredy showed up, why not clear the confusion. Don't find him hard though.
So yes his regen can be small if you don’t hit him hard enough
He should regen 100% of the damage while he's berserk but it's over 5 seconds so you can outpace it with big damage or letting his rage run out and he'll lose the regens.
I wouldn't bet against it being bugged though.