AI/Input issues

So I saw a comment from a mod about this and to me read as though there isn't any AI issues and that these issues we keep saying are AI issues are in fact input/timings issues. Now can somebody explain to me how the AI not using a special attack is deemed an inout/timing issue when we have no control over our opponents? Parry/dex I can understand but a passive AI isn't input related, at least not on our end it's down to the AI itself.
I've said this before but I'll say it again. I have videos of this occurring should any mod want to see it for themselves
I've said this before but I'll say it again. I have videos of this occurring should any mod want to see it for themselves
And it would be helpful if you could post the videos you mentioned. At best, it helps the mods gain some awareness, at worst, you can get some tips on the best way to bait specials.
Kabam -
I got the proof so if they want it they can provide me a direct way to give it to them, failing that, why don't you allow me to send it to you and then you do it for them?
You've given 3 options
1) convert to GIF - I answered this in my 2nd reply to you
2) post to youtube and share link - also answered this in my 2nd reply to you
3) contact support - I've tried this and I can't upload a video due to some file error (this could be my device or the system itself, I don't know but it won't allow me to do that either way).
Is there anything I missed?
It's not unreasonable to ask (or expect) a better method to provide videos, like why can't they change the forums to allow the imploding of videos or provide a generic kabam email to send just those sorts of things too, after all they're asking us for this proof
End of the day, my videos are there (not forever as I will inevitably have to delete for memory issues) should they want me to send them. If not then we'll I'll just stop recording from now on 😂