What is the worst sig abillity in the game?

UnOriginalUnOriginal Member Posts: 729 ★★★
Since the best sig abillity thread got resurrected i wondered which signwas the worst (unlike the best sig this is in context) or the one that makes you lose the most without high reward


  • Trafalgarwar96Trafalgarwar96 Member Posts: 629 ★★★★
  • 13579rebel_13579rebel_ Member Posts: 2,901 ★★★★★
  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 5,867 ★★★★★
    Of all time: Pre-nerf Angela
    Currently: Beast
  • WinterFieldsWinterFields Member Posts: 785 ★★★★
    Iron Patriot's can be counterproductive
    Winter soldier also comes to mind
    Sentry with suicides
  • Erik_Killmonger1001Erik_Killmonger1001 Member Posts: 427 ★★★
    groot, it literally just gives him the physical resist buffs
  • Cyborg17Cyborg17 Member Posts: 126
    Ruwqiersa said:


  • NononoNonono Member Posts: 45
    HT by far! I’ve NEVER been able to reactivate his Nova Flame pre-fight ability after I’ve used it the first time on any given path on any content, and my HT has been duped for 2 years now. His Sig Ability is USELESS!
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,829 ★★★★★
    I feel masacre has a bad sig as it should just be in base kit anyway on what his does
  • spider_man_guy_123spider_man_guy_123 Member Posts: 162 ★★
    Torch. It has no use in the modes that he’s most useful for. It should have something that’s for everything
  • UnOriginalUnOriginal Member Posts: 729 ★★★
    edited June 2023

    Black widow Claire Voyant. Has a safeguard that will stop her from being knocked out but only in a small
    Window after using a sp3

    I selected her dupe once from a 6nexus because the other options where very bad once It prevented my dead because input issues but i died anyways because input issues i guess It could work kind of a (way) less efective herc sp3 if your oponent has a sp3 ready but Claire already has pretty good power control so you could as well do that and not end with 1% life soooo very niche
  • TheholyplungerTheholyplunger Member Posts: 89
    Worst? Iron Patriot. He has the only sig that makes him worse. Torch, Claire, etc. arent very useful, but they don't make them worse
  • SuelGamesSuelGames Member Posts: 947 ★★★


  • Señor DudeSeñor Dude Member Posts: 67
    Bendy said:

    I feel masacre has a bad sig as it should just be in base kit anyway on what his does

    It gives him more combat power rate when hitting into block, among other things. It's really good.
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,850 ★★★★★

    Black widow Claire Voyant. Has a safeguard that will stop her from being knocked out but only in a small
    Window after using a sp3

    Literally,i used my 5* max sig bwcv for atleast a 500 fights nd it was only useful twice of a corvus glaive boss in act 8
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,829 ★★★★★

    Bendy said:

    I feel masacre has a bad sig as it should just be in base kit anyway on what his does

    It gives him more combat power rate when hitting into block, among other things. It's really good.
    For a sig though its not good it might aswell be part of his regular kit
  • UnOriginalUnOriginal Member Posts: 729 ★★★

    Worst? Iron Patriot. He has the only sig that makes him worse. Torch, Claire, etc. arent very useful, but they don't make them worse

    The only other sig that kind of takes from the character and could be counterproductive is CMM but you would likely die anyways if you get hit by a special you,ll likely die
  • Ayden_noah1Ayden_noah1 Member Posts: 2,136 ★★★★

    Worst? Iron Patriot. He has the only sig that makes him worse. Torch, Claire, etc. arent very useful, but they don't make them worse

    The only other sig that kind of takes from the character and could be counterproductive is CMM but you would likely die anyways if you get hit by a special you,ll likely die
    CMM sig is actually very useful. She gains indestructible for up to 12 seconds with 21 plus binary charges in binary mode. Not sure how it's useless. It has saved me many times in incursions. You take no damge from any special or hits while indestructible and it removes any debuffs on you when you go into binary mode so it's very useful.
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,202 ★★★★★
    MODOK's Sig is shockingly weak.

    Win six fights against different classes, and you can raise your Block Proficiency from a truly atrocious 876 to still-way-below-average 1737.

    Then there's all this incredibly useful stuff:

    I mean, sure, the Mystic and Tech abilities aren't completely rubbish, but they all fall into the category of 'get some tiny benefit or take less Damage when blocking hits', which doesn't sound all that great when your Block Proficiency is amongst the worst in the game.
  • GreekhitGreekhit Member Posts: 2,820 ★★★★★
    Nightcrawler signature ability might be the only one in the game, that instead of adding something to the champ, removes something.
    Offensively he is better awakened as he hits significantly harder.
    But the problem is as a defender.
    An unawakened NC needs to hold block for 2 whole seconds to change his stance to Swashbuckling (non evade stance) - even expert Masacre players that are pro at luring AI to block, will need these skills and a lot of luck to switch him.
    Awakened he needs 1.7 seconds to switch, which makes it much easier to switch him to Swashbuckling stance and turn him into a punching bag.
    He is primarily a defender, his awakening ability shouldn't make him a worse defender.
    I have mine unawakened at r3, never invested to took him to r4, because of the chance to dupe him from a random 6* pull.
    If I was Kabam, I would revert the sig ability timer as a defender to 1.7sec unawakened and 2sec awakened, or keep it in both cases 2sec at defence 🙂
  • BuckeyeshaBuckeyesha Member Posts: 210

    Black widow Claire Voyant. Has a safeguard that will stop her from being knocked out but only in a small
    Window after using a sp3

    Hers is the worst. I have NEVER EVER had it help or do anything for me. Never
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★


    Nightcrawler isn't amazing regardless but he does more damage awakened, and the idea that he is worse because it's slightly easier to switch him awakened was always nonsense. His awakened ability isn't great but it's not the worst.
  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,071 ★★★★★
    Let's not forget about Misty Knight's. It comprises of various effects depending ont he class that she's fighting, that takes 47 seconds to even activate at sig 1 (up to a still-not-remarkable 27 seconds at max sig). When it does, those effects are basically pointless.

    Against Cosmic champions, you reduce their block proficiency depending on the number of buffs they have - considering that you're constantly unblockable, that's pretty weak. And while you reduce their defensive ability accuracy, you do so by so little (10% per buff) that it's practically useless.

    Against Skill champions, your attack rating goes up for each bleed debuff on you. Which is absolutely pointless since you don't want any bleed debuffs on you. It could have been useful if it worked in conjunction with Double Edge, but since it'll take at least 27 seconds to activate, that bleed will have run its course long before that. But hey, if Nick Fury lands a five-hit combo on you with 5/5 Deep Wounds active, you'll have a few seconds where you can deal somewhat more damage before you die.

    Against Science champions, her chance to purify debuffs jumps up to 100%. That's good, but if you're in a fight where you need to have a 100% chance to purify debuffs, you don't bring Misty. Being able to do so for 18 seconds every minute or minute-and-a-half just doesn't cut it.

    It continues on like that. Since she's a Skill champion, she doesn't gain any effects against Mutants, and the Mystic and Tech ones are kind of middling even if they aren't quite as bad as the ones above.
  • ThatGuyYouSaw235ThatGuyYouSaw235 Member Posts: 3,482 ★★★★★
    edited June 2023
    Invisible Woman

    Sacrifices offensive potential for defensive potential.
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