What is the worst sig abillity in the game?

Since the best sig abillity thread got resurrected i wondered which signwas the worst (unlike the best sig this is in context) or the one that makes you lose the most without high reward
Worst would probably be something that has absolutely no use anywhere
Currently: Beast
Also baest does,nt sound all that bad surely is not the worst (better than rhino,s)
Winter soldier also comes to mind
Sentry with suicides
Window after using a sp3
Win six fights against different classes, and you can raise your Block Proficiency from a truly atrocious 876 to still-way-below-average 1737.
Then there's all this incredibly useful stuff:
I mean, sure, the Mystic and Tech abilities aren't completely rubbish, but they all fall into the category of 'get some tiny benefit or take less Damage when blocking hits', which doesn't sound all that great when your Block Proficiency is amongst the worst in the game.
Offensively he is better awakened as he hits significantly harder.
But the problem is as a defender.
An unawakened NC needs to hold block for 2 whole seconds to change his stance to Swashbuckling (non evade stance) - even expert Masacre players that are pro at luring AI to block, will need these skills and a lot of luck to switch him.
Awakened he needs 1.7 seconds to switch, which makes it much easier to switch him to Swashbuckling stance and turn him into a punching bag.
He is primarily a defender, his awakening ability shouldn't make him a worse defender.
I have mine unawakened at r3, never invested to took him to r4, because of the chance to dupe him from a random 6* pull.
If I was Kabam, I would revert the sig ability timer as a defender to 1.7sec unawakened and 2sec awakened, or keep it in both cases 2sec at defence 🙂
Against Cosmic champions, you reduce their block proficiency depending on the number of buffs they have - considering that you're constantly unblockable, that's pretty weak. And while you reduce their defensive ability accuracy, you do so by so little (10% per buff) that it's practically useless.
Against Skill champions, your attack rating goes up for each bleed debuff on you. Which is absolutely pointless since you don't want any bleed debuffs on you. It could have been useful if it worked in conjunction with Double Edge, but since it'll take at least 27 seconds to activate, that bleed will have run its course long before that. But hey, if Nick Fury lands a five-hit combo on you with 5/5 Deep Wounds active, you'll have a few seconds where you can deal somewhat more damage before you die.
Against Science champions, her chance to purify debuffs jumps up to 100%. That's good, but if you're in a fight where you need to have a 100% chance to purify debuffs, you don't bring Misty. Being able to do so for 18 seconds every minute or minute-and-a-half just doesn't cut it.
It continues on like that. Since she's a Skill champion, she doesn't gain any effects against Mutants, and the Mystic and Tech ones are kind of middling even if they aren't quite as bad as the ones above.
Sacrifices offensive potential for defensive potential.