Does there need to be an overhaul on AQ rewards?
Member Posts: 192 ★★
Since the addition of Battlegrounds, it seems like more people are switching focus on doing those and less people wanting to do the higher AQ maps due to them being boring / more difficult / not worth the effort for the rewards. Personally I think the rank rewards need an overhaul, maybe even the glory store too. What are your thoughts? Let’s let the devs know where our pulse is at on this!
Does there need to be an overhaul on AQ rewards? 25 votes
Yes, rank rewards need a major update to be relevant with the higher material costs for R5 6* / 7* champs.
Doesn’t matter what gets updated, I still don’t want to do higher than Map 5/6, too much time involved / now more difficult with the surprise switch to 7* defenders.
Since the addition of Battlegrounds, it has been increasingly more difficult to find / recruit / keep *good* people, unless you’re already an alliance that is in high Platinum / Masters war, Top 45 or higher AQ, and / or an alliance that gets 1-10% or higher Battlegrounds rewards.
Most people that I’ve seen looking for new alliances, either want relaxed war, and Top 45 or better AQ, and 1-10% BG’s, or they want want Plat 3 or better war, Map 5/6 AQ and BG’s, or just BG’s and relaxed War and AQ. It has become increasingly more difficult for some alliances in the “middle ground” range that are still actually trying to push up in war *and* do full Map 8 AQ, but not really pushing high Battlegrounds minimums.
I think that a good, moderately decent update to AQ rank rewards and / or Glory store contents or reduced costs for rank materials might just entice some people to go back to (or try for the first time) Map 8.
I would also like to see T1 Celestial alloy shards be added to the Glory store, even if they were small amounts at first. (Maybe Kabam had a different timeline mapped out for those already though?)
Either way, I think we need some fresh incentives in order to entice people and get / keep them motivated and also an update to the rewards for lower ranking alliances would help lower prestige people with growing their accounts.
I’ve seen numerous people saying they’re now Paragon status, and have a decent amount of 6* champs and maybe even a couple of 7* champs already, but they’re sub 15k prestige still so they can’t get into a Top 90 (or even Top 150) AQ alliance because they’re way too low for the alliance average needed.