When will arena bots issue will be addressed!

It’s good that arena rank reward get an uupdate recently. However, arena bot issue seems to be not addressed at all. Just looking at the arena that just ended yesterday, skimming through it, there are at least 2 names with no alliance in top 100 in both featured and basic. I put up over 170 mil to barely get the champ and it took a lot of time to do it. To me, it is a just to see red flag to spot at glance through the leaderboard to find suspicious activities if there are accounts in both leaderboards especially how high Adam go. If it is just old champ arena, it is possible but time consuming to do.
Arena is a joke
You look at some of their PVP stats and some of them work out to 850+ fights A DAY EVERY SINGLE DAY 365 DAYS A YEAR FOR 8.5 YEARS SINCE MCOC'S LAUNCH. This is impossible. This is tantamount to prison torture and no one had the champs, refresh timers, the fingers, or the units to be able to grind like that over the years.