The power of a fully synergised Colossus
In content where you can have a team of 5, Colossus hits like an absolute truck as well as having a lot of immunities.
Professor X, Red Mags and Omega Red, the 5th can be anyone depending on the nodes/defenders.
With this team, my rank 3 Colossus (no suicides or boosts) has put down ROL Winter Soldier in 49 seconds.
Which other rank 3 champ without suicides/boosts is capable of that?
Professor X, Red Mags and Omega Red, the 5th can be anyone depending on the nodes/defenders.
With this team, my rank 3 Colossus (no suicides or boosts) has put down ROL Winter Soldier in 49 seconds.
Which other rank 3 champ without suicides/boosts is capable of that?
For farming he’s good because his basic attacks (especially heavies) already hit hard and you don’t have to rely on specials.
Rank 4, no suicides, no boosts.
With synergies allowed, Colossus is easily the 3rd highest damage champion in the game after Hela and CGR.
A bit slower but only 28 hits, could probably do it in less