Petition to change to 3 war minimum for season rewards

MBoguszMBogusz Member Posts: 98 ★★
Firstly, I’d like to start by saying I do not have any issue with the “ban wave” that just hit - preventing cheating is something we often complain about as a player base so it being addressed is a small step in the right direction.

Banning those who gained rewards, removing their champs and promoting those who unfairly missed out is great. However there are a lot of other innocent players currently suffering. Using myself as an example, I am in an alliance that has ~10 accounts banned. We are not in a position to replace those players for what remains of the season as any new recruits wouldn’t be eligible for season rewards. Similarly, I can’t find a new home without missing out on rewards. Like countless other players, I did nothing wrong, but now it seems likely I will get much lower rewards than (at least in my opinion) my rankups, boosts, potions and time deserve for the war season.

My solution is simple - change the amount of wars required to receive season rewards this season to 3. It has already been lowered from 5 to 4 this season, so why not initiate a solution that will let the innocent players not get caught in the crossfire. Otherwise, the innocent will be punished along with the guilty


  • MBoguszMBogusz Member Posts: 98 ★★
    Maratox said:

    MBogusz said:

    Firstly, I’d like to start by saying I do not have any issue with the “ban wave” that just hit - preventing cheating is something we often complain about as a player base so it being addressed is a small step in the right direction.

    Banning those who gained rewards, removing their champs and promoting those who unfairly missed out is great. However there are a lot of other innocent players currently suffering. Using myself as an example, I am in an alliance that has ~10 accounts banned. We are not in a position to replace those players for what remains of the season as any new recruits wouldn’t be eligible for season rewards. Similarly, I can’t find a new home without missing out on rewards. Like countless other players, I did nothing wrong, but now it seems likely I will get much lower rewards than (at least in my opinion) my rankups, boosts, potions and time deserve for the war season.

    My solution is simple - change the amount of wars required to receive season rewards this season to 3. It has already been lowered from 5 to 4 this season, so why not initiate a solution that will let the innocent players not get caught in the crossfire. Otherwise, the innocent will be punished along with the guilty

    It’s pretty easy for the average summoner to pick out a modder. To have 10 of them in your alliance means you probably knew at least one of them was cheating and did nothing about it. I don’t think you should deserve special treatment for that reason.
    To be honest I don’t pay much attention to arena, I hit help occasionally but that doesn’t really indicate either way for me. And I’ve only been in the alliance a short time as my previous alliance collapsed. If I had known they were using bots it would probably feel a different now tbf

  • MauledMauled Member, Guardian Posts: 3,957 Guardian
    edited June 2023
    If you’d have lost one person I’d say fair enough, but 10 most likely puts you in one of a few alliances who are notorious for their members’ extra-curricular antics. Don’t get me wrong, I have got some sympathy for you - it’s a crummy feeling, I lost out on a masters finish due to a bad apple last year.

    But to have reached the point in the game that you’re in an alliance this affected you know the rep and you know the risks associated with joining the alliance. For the same reason so many whales won’t join TCN because there’s a 50% chance they get docked, you just shouldn’t associate with such players.

    As an aside, just because Kabam haven’t done these bans very often, I think that it’s clear to everyone that with the rise of battlegrounds they’re taking cheating far more seriously than has been the case in the past.
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,716 Guardian
    edited June 2023
    Leaving aside the Banned Acct's aspect of this..

    They are not offering this as an opportunity to start over with another alliance this late in the season.
    It is only to accommodate casual alliances that had some people putting off getting their wars in. Or to allow recent newcomers (NOT brand new people) to still get in their wars if they first came over at mid-season.
    It's always been 1 war reduction (from the normal 5) for every 1 war cancelled.

    And since they are now going to bump up everyone's Rank rewards up one bracket's worth, that should take care of some alliances not earning as many points as normal because of missing some people. And it's just for 3 more wars.

    Unless you are at the very tops of the charts, where # of alliances in each Bracket is a smaller # of alliances, I can't see an ally dropping down 2 ranks from what they are currently in.
    Even if
  • CoppinCoppin Member Posts: 2,601 ★★★★★
    edited June 2023
    What does the ban wave have anything to do with the minimum requirement of wars...
    U got 10 members banned.. well does it really matter? At the end of season you are getting docked anyway...
  • GinjabredMonstaGinjabredMonsta Member, Guardian Posts: 6,494 Guardian
    It’s a no from me dawg
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