Valkyrie is bugged

So our alliance used valkyrie for a few fights this war to counter unstoppable (as it is expected from her kit). Unfortunately, the new update brought a bug on valk. Now she fails to counter unstoppable in some instances. We had troubles on path 5 ebb and flow knock down fury with unstoppable heavy (she got repelled by the unstoppable. r5 sig 200 valk with 2 pierce buffs active) and we also had troubles against thing. It's very weird. We tested it out in duels and it was working fine but then in aw she was having issues. Strangely enough, she worked just fine against jessica jones' unstoppable. I think this needs to be looked into. It's a very sensitive matter as she's often used in aw as an attacker and this inconsistent bug can cause deaths.
I'm the one that had problems with Fury on Ebb and Flow with Valkyrie, as soon as I manage to I will leave you here the video
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Porthos @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Lyra