Persistent Placement
Member Posts: 1,636 ★★★★★
From the announcement, it sounds like placement phase is being completely done away with in favor of the new persistent placement. My alliance never has the same people do war twice in a row, so we constantly have a different defense every war. Is there going to be a way for alliances like this to change their defense between wars? Or am I misinterpreting something in the announcement?
If the initial Persistence for defense (and I assume that means for *which* Players too) is based on the previous war.
And a 30 member Ally doing just 2 BG war.
WHAT will be the way for one of the other 10 people (not in current war) to elect to join defense for the next war ??
Will another of the 20 members (** or Officers, which is another question, do they have additional control over this ??) have to first elect to UNENROLL themselves from the next war, thus opening up another slot for someone else to swap themselves in for next one.
Or will it still be that EVERYONE who wants to, still HAS TO ENROLL themselves in the next war (every time, every war). But that it will just be a Persistence of remembering where you had previously placed your champs (and is that Persistence ONLY for the immediate currently playing players, or will people who get swapped back into next war also have their defenders placements remembered from however many wars back it is they last participated.
And of course, then that brings up what about conflicting placements ?
And, what about people switching from BG 1 to BG2, etc, even though they are in the current war, they are moving to a different BG ??
Ok, this is probably at least 5 questions so far.
(might seem straightforward with 3 BG war alliances where everyone stays in the same BG time after time. But anything different opens up a lot of complexity).