Yes, UNDO. So long as you don’t actually fight that champ you initially stopped on.
That pic looks like a 2nd person went that path and then used their UNDO (either went that way by mistake, or intentionally lending 2 energy to that first person). While the initial person who ran out of energy partway (or fought 1st opponent but then didn’t continue moving afterwards) is still there partway along the path.
The UNDO person would have gone ALL the way further back to last branch point.
But if you see the dashed lines fully completed (and a person) at a point beyond a still-shown defender, often that is because your viewing of defense gets out of sync with opponents having just fought and defeated that node (but you were task-switched away, or viewing other BG and then came back, or something similar)
That pic looks like a 2nd person went that path and then used their UNDO (either went that way by mistake, or intentionally lending 2 energy to that first person).
While the initial person who ran out of energy partway (or fought 1st opponent but then didn’t continue moving afterwards) is still there partway along the path.
The UNDO person would have gone ALL the way further back to last branch point.