Thank you for closing the Revive farm



  • Blux2uBlux2u Member Posts: 23
    It feels like many of these comments that end with "you need to get better" are from elitist players, or kabam employees, I know from my alliance and friends that I'm not alone with my frustration... I know I'm not elite, but I'm no scrub either... and the game is out of balance imo
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0 ★★★★
    Blux2u said:

    It feels like many of these comments that end with "you need to get better" are from elitist players, or kabam employees, I know from my alliance and friends that I'm not alone with my frustration... I know I'm not elite, but I'm no scrub either... and the game is out of balance imo

    I don't think anyone is logically just trying to say that you're bad at the game. Just that most non everest content doesn't require anything more than a couple revives here and there. Kabam likely isn't going to revert their changes anytime soon. What content are you struggling with? This is the exact place to ask for that kinda advice.
  • Blux2uBlux2u Member Posts: 23
    I love that, be helpful, not belittling!!! I appreciate your willingness to help, and if there were a specific issue, I would ask.

    I've been playing since the game began, and I always do my homework, watching videos, learning the right counters, strategies, etc.

    I'm not going to get better than I am. I'm a solid average player, the game didn't used to be so bugged and flawed, and that is a problem for us all, but average players like me have less room for that.

    Before farming, I would grind units in arena, but I no longer have time to grind like that... and it used to be that Seatin and the others would tell you how many units they needed, when LOL & AOL came out, but now I watch Lags and Vega and KT1 and marvel at how good they are, but also at their roster.

    My roster is very solid, but nothing like that, and with BGs making roster growth so huge for the whales and sharks, Joe Average (me) can't play up in BGs, or Everest, but I'm good with story mode and monthly I guess, but even that needs a few revives, and I get 1 or 2 a day now.

    So the only answer left for me is to play less and step down from my alliance, which I've done, because I can't afford to stay with the average alliance I was in, it's not fun... so I just accept that kabam dumps on us average players, even though I used to spend some... now it's just not worth it
  • Blux2uBlux2u Member Posts: 23
    And shout out to all the YTs that help so much, Noob, Rich the Man, and many of the newer and growing ones, I watch as much as I can to learn, thanks to them all!!!
  • GogiGogi Member Posts: 473 ★★★
    Blux2u said:

    Look, folks can insult my play all they want, I'm just saying Kabam needs to rethink the revive thing. They went too far, just put a cap on how many you can keep in overflow, so if I farm 20 revives, so what, allow players to play, but cap the overflow on revives...

    and players should stop arguing and insulting each other, we need to support each other, for the game's improvement

    That does not make any sense, what will the cap do if you lack skill? How you have described yourself it sounds that you need more then 45 revives, the cap won't do you any good tbh.
  • Blux2uBlux2u Member Posts: 23
    Each player has different experiences, rosters, skills, time constraints, etc. When I have time available, I'll attack the game, but I would collect up some revives quickly in farm and go, but now I wait weeks to store resources, so the pace of the game went to a crawl, and I don't have time to grind units and I don't spend on revives, only on champs, and that's a very moderate spend... the apothecary needs to provide a minimum of 3 to 4 a day, not 1, and that would be a wonderful change for pace...
  • GogiGogi Member Posts: 473 ★★★
    edited June 2023
    Blux2u said:

    Each player has different experiences, rosters, skills, time constraints, etc. When I have time available, I'll attack the game, but I would collect up some revives quickly in farm and go, but now I wait weeks to store resources, so the pace of the game went to a crawl, and I don't have time to grind units and I don't spend on revives, only on champs, and that's a very moderate spend... the apothecary needs to provide a minimum of 3 to 4 a day, not 1, and that would be a wonderful change for pace...

    Well you should not spend your units on crystals and actually spend it on talents and revives. But everyone can do as they please, I prefer to use units on revives rather then crystals. Also I don't understand why you are constantly trying to find reasons to not accept that there are many ways to obtain revives. Many are getting around it these days you should also be able to do it.
  • Blux2uBlux2u Member Posts: 23
    I don't have enough units, so using energy for revives works well, but if we could buy regular revives with any resources, (glory, loyalty, gold, etc., that might work too...
  • ThēMandalorianThēMandalorian Member Posts: 312 ★★★
    I feel like the monthly EQ first clear offer for 1,000 units provides a lot of revives and potions along with energy to explore.

    If you're hard up for this, do something with those Units you've got for free.

    I typically can get about 1K in a few days with Solo Milestones and a little Arena or exploring low monthly EQ difficulties on auto play.
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