Thank you for closing the Revive farm

Just want to say Thank you Kabam for eliminating revives. They were the food that kept me running on this hamster wheel of a game. I was angry at first, but now that I'm not playing the game (no revives to grind the content) I'm free of the madness... thank you!!! Truly liberating!!!
ACT 7 was so fun (100% complete) but not EOP or Abyss for me.. I never completed act 6 cause it sux, but 8.1 is 100%, I use revives, and I'm sure I'm not alone... and while I pick up a few revives, it's too big a reduction IMO to sustain mid-tier players.... all I'm saying
and players should stop arguing and insulting each other, we need to support each other, for the game's improvement
And all of the content in the game is designed within the context of the player performance data the game collects. The devs know what percentage of players complete the Abyss, complete every Carina's challenge objective, complete TB EQ. Difficulty is tuned over time to those numbers. In the long run content that is created for the game will be created to be balanced for a game without those huge revive pools, and that will make them more achievable without resorting to huge numbers of revives. That makes future content accessible to a wider subset of players, and not just the extreme farmers.
Every game decision is a trade off. And contrary to what most people believe, they are not the singularly most important player. Eliminating the lower Act revive farms made the game difficult for the players who relied upon them, but it will make the game better overall for everyone else. That trade off doesn't hurt the game in the long run.
The game doesn't need you. It doesn't need me either. The game needs a healthy environment for the majority of players, and to be inviting for future players of the game. The revive farms were a huge benefit for a tiny minority, at the expense of driving the top tier content to be unreachable for anyone who wasn't a revive farmer. The apothecary still allows plenty of revives for the majority of players who just need the occasional potion. It isn't enough for players whose sole means of progress was to push into parts of the game where they needed huge numbers of them. The game doesn't need those players to survive, and in fact is hurt by catering to them.
Time is a big part of the issue. When you have an opportunity to get some goals done, you can prepare resources quickly, but the trickle of them now won't allow that to happen. I don't need a hundred, but when you need 10 or 20 to attack goal because time became available, it's nice to have the resources to quickly fill up... but F-me, I'm apparently pathetic and inept, after 8 or 9 years of playing the game... oh well, said my piece, I'm done
My confusion is things like EOP and Carina’s challenges. I saw posts saying the average EOP run took 20+ revives. If the intent from the dev team is that most people don’t complete them that’s fine but they were introduced when revives were more available so many people were able to revive their way through. That’s less of an option now without spending a lot more time saving and with the inventory cap at 10 and the slower accumulation you have to worry about them expiring.
How many of you completed most Carinas Challenges or EOP paths without revives?
The other thing that doesn’t get mentioned is that the old go-to farm still wasn’t free. I traded my energy for those revives when I had energy to spare but not the time to actually play. I’d put it on auto fight to build up a few revives and potions when the energy would have otherwise gone to waste. Removing that option just means I don’t open the game as much which seems counterproductive for the game.
Overall it seems like the content was released when revives were more accessible so reducing the availability now should result in a reduction in the difficulty now unless they felt things had been out of balance for years but let it go until now.