Kraven movie trailer

Did u guys like the trailer, am not that sold on it. Aaron then QS, now kraven.
Also is that how kraven got his powers in comics? By getting bitten by a lion?
Also is that how kraven got his powers in comics? By getting bitten by a lion?

Dr. Zola
Sony knocked it out of the park with the two animated Spiderverse movies, but their live action movies haven't been good for a while. (I consider Tom Holland's movies Marvel flicks.)
I get that they are trying to go anti-hero here, but that's part of Sony's problem, and most of the hero movies. Trying to add way too much humor/relatability to get us to like them instead of their purpose/big idea. They need to go the Thanos route. He wasn't likable, did deplorable things, but the purple guy was right. Let's see how this plays out. (Also curious to see the red label trailer).
Not sure worldwide, but in my country ppl are praising the trailer, mostly cause of the gore violence, but im sensing Morbius/Venom vibes.. smells like a flop.
They should have kept ATJ as Quicksilver, i just dont see him as Kraven, also dont like the changes they made to his story. He should be in a Spiderman movie, not his own. I mean even Thanos didnt need one, and he killed it in IW.
Im curious to see Rhyno s look tough
This guy is a better version of Kraven than what they’ve put together.
Black Cat could work in a solo non-Spider-Man movie (read her recent solo series for why)
Silver Sable most definitely could work, but would basically amount to a female led action movie with someone in a silver catsuit unless it was in the MCU and had access to their fictional nations.
Spiderwoman should be in the MCU.
I think for the sake of the whole marvel universe I’m glad the ‘spider verse’ is owned by Sony. I was said Disney took over Fox and grabbed the X-men franchise.
So what Kraven is rated R - better than watching some toned down PG Marvel movie.
That’s why Netflix Dare Devil and Punisher did so well while the Disney+ themed stuff (other than Loki) were Meh
And thankfully Deadpool 3 will be produced under the Fox brand…imagine PG version of Deadpool!
For example: They had to waste Riot and Carnage for Venom. Create that Prince Daemon Vampire to match Morbius (im sorry but idk that dude from comics, so pardon if im wrong). And now.. daddy issues for Kraven.. or pehaps a grudgematch with Rhyno? idk.
They should all be in Spiderman movies. And dont get me started on that antihero ****, cause they started off as villains, took years of development for them to become antiheroes.
Kraven The HUNTER, that doesnt hunt animais.. dafuq is that lol, they seem to ruin his story, the same way they did Ms Marvel not being inhuman