Different cyber Monday offers for "uncollected"

I just wanted to ask whether you think, that there will bei different offers for uncollected and the other play base. For example uncollected can purchase 5* awakening gem and other players can purchase a 4* one as a 5* wouldn't really help them out right now
Any in game unit offers though would be interesting to see different offers but I can imagine lots of hate threats from people saying if they knew them they would have pushed harder to become uncollected.
A 5* class specific awakening gem deal for a flat rate $100 USD would be ideal, & it would also be the BIGGEST marketing deal that Kabam would have introduced, with many players of all levels purchasing.
At the same time, a 4* class specific awakening gem deal with 20 sig stones for $50 USD would be nice too.
Aside from whatever else they will sell. But truth be told, if Kabam really wants to make the biggest revenue to date on one of their offers, the 5* class specific awakening gem deal for $100 would be the way to go...
Could not agree more! Kabam please make this happen! I would also like another "pick your own class, 5* crystal"
agree but $50 for 4* awakening LOOOL...
Last 4* awakening gem offer was $49.99
I'm not disputing that.. I was only saying that it isn't worth it..
5* gem would be cool but im hoping for something more reasonable in price. Or a t4cc/ t4b rank up deal.
I had at least 15 5* champions before being uncollected, and duplicating a 5* champions if you are not uncollected is VERY valuable to complete the content needed to become uncollected.
Dr. Zola
Same unfortunately. I have beaten everything in the game and this over priced stuff is no longer appealing to me.
Whatever they have planned is already locked in stone as the sales team sets this stuff up weeks in advance.
Only if you have strong 5* to rank up. If you tend to pull rubbish, T2a are useless.
Dr. Zola
Agreed, but at least with the sig stones added in said class specific deal, it would balance out.
I’d rather see a class specific 5* awakening gem deal for $100 over a random 5* awakening gem crystal deal. I have 3 5* awakening gems already in my stash that are completely useless to me, with 6 R4 5 stars, that are already high in sig. I need a mystic gem for my Voodoo. 😉
Friday if memory serves had 3 t4b for 900 units. Also stuff added to regular unit packs.
Monday had stacked (1 leading to another) offers for 1k, 3k and... ?k units making it all together a full 5* and loads of t4cc shard crystals and things added in as well. Obviously you don't need all three of those to make it worth it. I found it fair value, at least for the first offer of the three.
I'm sure googling will show quite a few YouTube clips about it.