MCoC should be more than BGs and AW

Barca3bar3Barca3bar3 Member Posts: 25
As a player since 2016 with two Paragon accounts and having spent untold hundreds/thousands of hours playing this game (since declaring bona fides as someone who cares seems mandatory) I am growing concerned over the lack of attention given to areas of the game that aren’t BGs and AW. This isn’t an attack on either of those modes; while they aren’t necessarily my cup of tea, I am glad they exist for others to enjoy. My concern is that they appear to be taking up all of the oxygen in the room right now to the direct detriment of other content, specifically AQ and Arenas.

The rewards for AW and BGs have outstripped AQ and Arenas in such a fashion that people are dropping those modes altogether. As someone who has been playing those modes, and enjoying them, for so long it hurts that the way I enjoy the game cannot reward or incentivize my time in a way that is consistent with the rest of the game.

I’m not looking for much. Regular updates (every 3-6 months seems reasonable) to the glory store and arena milestones don’t seem like an unreasonable request; or, in the alternative, an explanation on the same timeframe for why the game team feels the AQ and/or Arena rewards are proper and thereby not getting updated.

Thanks for the consideration.


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