Battleground Store not resetting properly?

ZeiramMRZeiramMR Member Posts: 101
I've been seeing issues with the BG Store since last week. Prior to the store update, I had bought out the low-cost relic-related items (the 3-star relics shards, 4-star relic shards, and alloy fragments that were in the 20-50 Trophy cost range). On Thursday, those items were listing as "sold out" despite the higher purchase limit.

I figured it was a bug due to them being at "zero left" prior to the update. But today I looked at the store and those items had only partially reset. Other items that were purchased between Thursday and today have reset correctly, and those included 6* shards that were potentially unchanged by the update, and items added by the update.

I didn't see another thread about this-- apologies if this is a duplicate.


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