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Hercules Is Done Grieving

ErcarretErcarret Posts: 2,812 ★★★★★
I had some revives in overflow so I decided to see how far I could get in EOP: Acceptance with only Hercules (and Heimdall and Cap IW as synergy champions). Turns out, you can get really far! I'm normally not someone who does these kinds of challenges, but I really enjoyed EOP so it was fun to see how good I was at fighting all of those guys with the best champion in the game. All I got was a profile pic and 1 gold, but I'll treasure that profile pic.

All in all, I used less revives (around 25 both 20% and 40% ones) on this full run than I did on some of the regular Carina's Challenges runs. After a while, I just got into a groove and managed to nuke down the last few fights way quicker than when I used Hercules for them on my prior runs. After that, Nameless Thanos was a piece of cake.

It was a sweaty run that took a long time, but I'm happy that I got it done. And perhaps that's exactly what you're supposed to feel when you've beaten Grief Incarnate.


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    Gogeta91199Gogeta91199 Posts: 990 ★★★★

    You motivated me to do this😂 i had revives expiring as well, i took herc absman and cap. Around 30 revives
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    ErcarretErcarret Posts: 2,812 ★★★★★
    Awesome! Congrats, mate!
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    J4mmy_d0dger123J4mmy_d0dger123 Posts: 294 ★★
    Please tell me your secrets, I would really like a Herc
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    AR48AR48 Posts: 15

    You motivated me to do this😂 i had revives expiring as well, i took herc absman and cap. Around 30 revives

    Absman useful for any fight in EOP?
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    PikoluPikolu Posts: 7,043 Guardian
    @AR48 abs man does that terrax fight in like 20 seconds
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    MDxMDx Posts: 91
    How're you guys getting revives 🤔
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    Vegeta9001Vegeta9001 Posts: 1,525 ★★★★★
    MDx said:

    How're you guys getting revives 🤔

    I've had 6 from this month's eq, 3 sets of 2 on different paths and not even 100%'d yet.
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    ErcarretErcarret Posts: 2,812 ★★★★★
    MDx said:

    How're you guys getting revives 🤔

    I have done basically everything in the game that requires revives (except for the Labyrinth and the Abyss), so they stack up quickly. I also have the energy to run the Apothecary more or less daily, which gives me a steady supply of 20% revives. Moreover, since I'm Paragon, I get 40% revives from the daily events.

    As I said, those two types of revives stack up and eventually went into overflow since I don't have any content to use them in, which is why I initially went into EOP. I wanted to burn some revives to see how far my Hercules could go on his own. It turned out that he could go really far, so I just kept going. Since I didn't need to save them for anything in the near future, I figured I could just burn them on that run and see where I landed. It turned out, I got all the way through without depleting my stock. That was quite a surprise, but a very welcome one.
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