Which bundle to buy?

CaptThunderCaptThunder Member Posts: 36
edited July 2023 in General Discussion

Hey all i just got uncollected and im wondering which bundle i should buy, or is it not worth it? I only have 1k units, my current 5* are juggernaut, rintrah, ultron and stryfe. Which one should i buy? (You may not see but the last thing in bundle 2 are 12 t1 alpha catalysts)

Which bundle to buy? 19 votes

First bundle
Crys23evilKINGwilsonThoye3marshscoolspiderman17_ 5 votes
Second bundle
BluestoneSavageBreaker69TheGodfather39Licky 4 votes
Third bundle
Justcause102SilentAris 2 votes
Dont buy any (if so pls explain why)
winterthurCassyPikoludukedevill4412abamN0madbigger_daddyNewtrel 8 votes


  • PikoluPikolu Member, Guardian Posts: 8,298 Guardian
    Dont buy any (if so pls explain why)
    Most of those resources can be acquired pretty easily from the glory store if you're in an alliance that does any AQ at all. Just focus your units on masteries because those will help you more in the long run than any of these deals would.

    If you're hard set on buying a deal though, then I'd do either A or B
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,321 ★★★★★
    Dont buy any (if so pls explain why)
    Agree with above. Setup masteries first.
  • dukedevill4412dukedevill4412 Member Posts: 188
    Dont buy any (if so pls explain why)
    I don’t care to spend units on deals. Especially when the resources I can get from failing up in BG or AQ. I’d rather save for content I’ll need to buy revives to clear content.
  • CaptThunderCaptThunder Member Posts: 36
    Alr guys thanks for the advice ill save my units
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