Battle grounds cheating Allie’s

CaviCavi Member Posts: 59
edited July 2023 in Bugs and Known Issues
I’ve been encountering consistent issues with battle grounds, if you have a better team and obviously win the match the game will freeze and boot you out of the game counting it as a loss. Members consistently get perfect scores and the rng on our end as attackers is extremely defensive until they unstoppable then they aggressive. Seems like when you win against these Allie’s they work together in a cheating methods to win. I know for sure they using some type of bots and getting away with it.


  • BorrachomanBorrachoman Member Posts: 4

    A mi me pasa que se congela siempre ahí, ya van 3 ocasiones y por lógica terminas perdiendo.
  • ThePharcideThePharcide Member Posts: 211 ★★★
    There is no hack/bot/script another person can use that will affect your end. It’s all device based.

    The only thing I could think of would be if a member is in a BG the others are sending massive amounts of information to the servers. But that would cause issues for everyone not just who one member is fighting.

    It’s just a buggy game mode. Simple as that.
  • CaviCavi Member Posts: 59
    edited July 2023
    If it’s a buggy game mode than why kt1 openly said there’s a method of top tier players playing lower rank rosters? These cheaters Gaining unfair wins, and also getting perfect scores. Booting players out causing you a loss but the win counts for them. I have the latest iPhone 14 pro max memory plus new iPad. It cannot be my device simply cheaters!!!
  • CaviCavi Member Posts: 59
    edited July 2023
    The pharcyde stop always trying to be right defending a corrupt system. It’s obvious there’s been these bugs since battlegrounds started. It’s no point in playing only way to progress is spend or face impossible odds.
  • ThePharcideThePharcide Member Posts: 211 ★★★
    Cavi said:

    The pharcyde stop always trying to be right defending a corrupt system. It’s obvious there’s been these bugs since battlegrounds started. It’s no point in playing only way to progress is spend or face impossible odds.

    First of all I don’t defend Kabam. So that response just shows how little you know and it’s just a response used when someone disagrees with you.

    Second all I did was say there is no mod hack or script they can employ that will force YOU to disconnect.

    Third KT1 is one of the least reliable sources for things MCOC. He was a known merc, doesn’t matter if he doesn’t do it anymore the fact is he did. So taking anything he says as bible is laughable. I’d say PH is more reliable than KT. At least PH doesn’t hide behind glass platitudes.

    Fourth I’ll repeat it again. There is nothing another player can do in their phone that will disconnect you. Do you need me to repeat it again?

  • pseudosanepseudosane Member, Guardian Posts: 4,063 Guardian
    There is no cheat or mod like you say. It is just unlucky with the awful ai.
  • CaviCavi Member Posts: 59
    The pharcyde sounds very high and mighty messaging over a forum app lol. Look dude slow your road i schemed through what you wrote because it’s meaningless and here’s why. If we boot out of matches before they even begin than that’s a error on kabam part, second there is cheaters in this game that target weak players, and there was a point when jerks like you so innocent and oblivious to the fact players was choosing who they fought. These are facts, just because you also do development doesn’t mean you have all the answers cause i do it as well, so chill.
  • ThePharcideThePharcide Member Posts: 211 ★★★
    Cavi said:

    The pharcyde sounds very high and mighty messaging over a forum app lol.

    You’re doing the same. Using a forum to converse. How am I worse than you? Because I disagree with you?
    Cavi said:

    Look dude slow your road i schemed through what you wrote because it’s meaningless and here’s why. If we boot out of matches before they even begin than that’s a error on kabam part,

    You literally said people are using a hack/bot/mod to boot people. I said point blank that couldn’t happen.
    Cavi said:

    second there is cheaters in this game that target weak players, and there was a point when jerks like you so innocent and oblivious to the fact players was choosing who they fought. These are facts, just because you also do development doesn’t mean you have all the answers cause i do it as well, so chill.

    You need to chill with the blatant lies. I never said people weren’t targeting lower players. Just that part of what you said couldn’t happen. This is what happens when you skim a post and pick and choose things.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,410 Guardian
    Cavi said:

    If it’s a buggy game mode than why kt1 openly said there’s a method of top tier players playing lower rank rosters?

    Difficult to say without more information, but KT1 could have been referencing the fact that the match maker shifts from roster based matching in lower VT tiers to open matching where everyone has to match against everyone else, which happens around Platinum 3. This is deliberate, not a bug or cheat, and it is the correct behavior (it is the fact that lower rosters are allowed to match with exclusively other lower rosters that is the anomaly, but it is there to allow lower progress players to participate for at least some amount without getting swamped by veterans: it is basically tilting the game in their favor for a bit to encourage them to play).

    Or he could have been referencing the match tactic of trying to set up matches against friendly opponents using match cancelling. A tactic that has been around for a while, but Kabam has warned they will now monitor for and punish.

    However, to the best of my knowledge there is no mod or other cheating option that will allow a player to cause another player to crash, with the one exception of times where certain defenders would occasionally make the game client unstable, so placing them would have a chance of crashing your opponent. I don't *think* there are any at the moment. If there were, I'm sure we'd be hearing about it being rampant.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,410 Guardian
    Cavi said:

    there is cheaters in this game that target weak players

    There are no cheaters that target weak players. Nobody cheats just to beat the weakest players. You don't need to cheat to beat the weakest players. Cheaters target everyone, because the point to cheating is to win.

    If you see someone in the match screens that has a roster half your strength and you decide to flip on your special damage mod, you not only deserve to be banned from the game, you deserved to be banned from civilization.
  • gforcefangforcefan Member Posts: 407 ★★★
    It could just be coincidence but I have only ever experienced the bug OP is talking about while winning. I understand this is anecdotal and not proof. Also, it seems to happen a lot less now. I made a post about this a couple of seasons ago.
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