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Inequity over Glass Cannon?

jcphillips7jcphillips7 Posts: 1,224 ★★★★
I’m looking into switching out my 3/3 in GC for 2 in Inequity and one more tossed into my Petrify making it 3/3.

All my other masteries are fairly set where I want them, so this is only the real change I’d be doing. My question is, how many of you who don’t run LC/DE still use GC? And how many of you use Inequity in general?

I’ve never unlocked the mastery, so I’m going to have to fork over the carb core price for it, but is it worth it?


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    magnus_xixmagnus_xix Posts: 2,019 ★★★★★
    Inequity is very helpful in BGs to stall fights that much longer. I wouldn't recommend it however if you're not bothered about being competitive in BGs. Also, I would rather max out inequity over petrify.
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    jcphillips7jcphillips7 Posts: 1,224 ★★★★

    Inequity is very helpful in BGs to stall fights that much longer. I wouldn't recommend it however if you're not bothered about being competitive in BGs. Also, I would rather max out inequity over petrify.

    I’ll be honest, the only reason I was considering it was watching a few YouTube vids on Cassie Lang, and me just having taken mine to r4 at sig lvl 120. Then again, most those helpful vids came from the top tier guys who probably only really care about BGs, AW, and any competitive aspect of the game.
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    PolygonPolygon Posts: 4,007 ★★★★★

    Inequity is very helpful in BGs to stall fights that much longer. I wouldn't recommend it however if you're not bothered about being competitive in BGs. Also, I would rather max out inequity over petrify.

    What examples? All i can think of is kingpins rages since he debuffs himself
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    MagrailothosMagrailothos Posts: 5,580 ★★★★★
    Well, it's not just Kingpin - Immortal Abomination, Attuma, Spot and Juggernaut all Inflict debuffs on themselves.

    Interesting that Inequity is catching on a bit. I don't use it myself yet, but I have run max Petrify a long time - if you use Parry a lot, it makes a substantial difference to the combat power* your opponents gain. Which is increasingly important in the era of 7-star champs who have a higher base Combat Power rating.

    *Reducing combat power is unique to the Petrify Mastery. Other Petrify debuffs and passives only affect Power Gain abilities/effects.
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    UltragamerUltragamer Posts: 487 ★★★
    I wouldn’t recommend inequity glass cannon helps you do fights faster while your defenders do have slightly less health they also have the boosted attack so I’d say glass cannon over inequity especially with stalling not being as important
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    PikoluPikolu Posts: 7,043 Guardian

    Inequity is very helpful in BGs to stall fights that much longer. I wouldn't recommend it however if you're not bothered about being competitive in BGs. Also, I would rather max out inequity over petrify.

    I’ll be honest, the only reason I was considering it was watching a few YouTube vids on Cassie Lang, and me just having taken mine to r4 at sig lvl 120. Then again, most those helpful vids came from the top tier guys who probably only really care about BGs, AW, and any competitive aspect of the game.
    Cassie doesn't need inequity until her rebalance. Until then, her taunt does a max weakness on the enemy, so inequity won't have any use while taunt is up.
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    ThePredator1001ThePredator1001 Posts: 688 ★★★

    Inequity is very helpful in BGs to stall fights that much longer. I wouldn't recommend it however if you're not bothered about being competitive in BGs. Also, I would rather max out inequity over petrify.

    I’ll be honest, the only reason I was considering it was watching a few YouTube vids on Cassie Lang, and me just having taken mine to r4 at sig lvl 120. Then again, most those helpful vids came from the top tier guys who probably only really care about BGs, AW, and any competitive aspect of the game.
    I’ve used Cassie to explore act 8 and she’s a beast, her damage reduction works on debuffs so she can be used in matches where you wouldn’t think she would work. Just need to keep her taunt up and you’re nearly invincible
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    TyEdgeTyEdge Posts: 2,997 ★★★★★

    Well, it's not just Kingpin - Immortal Abomination, Attuma, Spot and Juggernaut all Inflict debuffs on themselves.

    Interesting that Inequity is catching on a bit. I don't use it myself yet, but I have run max Petrify a long time - if you use Parry a lot, it makes a substantial difference to the combat power* your opponents gain. Which is increasingly important in the era of 7-star champs who have a higher base Combat Power rating.

    *Reducing combat power is unique to the Petrify Mastery. Other Petrify debuffs and passives only affect Power Gain abilities/effects.

    Inequity reduces enemy attack based on debuffs on the enemy, I believe. So Knull, for example, would be a huge beneficiary thanks to his living abyss debuffs. Titania. Spidey99. And so on.
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    MagrailothosMagrailothos Posts: 5,580 ★★★★★
    TyEdge said:

    Well, it's not just Kingpin - Immortal Abomination, Attuma, Spot and Juggernaut all Inflict debuffs on themselves.

    Interesting that Inequity is catching on a bit. I don't use it myself yet, but I have run max Petrify a long time - if you use Parry a lot, it makes a substantial difference to the combat power* your opponents gain. Which is increasingly important in the era of 7-star champs who have a higher base Combat Power rating.

    *Reducing combat power is unique to the Petrify Mastery. Other Petrify debuffs and passives only affect Power Gain abilities/effects.

    Inequity reduces enemy attack based on debuffs on the enemy, I believe. So Knull, for example, would be a huge beneficiary thanks to his living abyss debuffs. Titania. Spidey99. And so on.
    Yes, by those champs would benefit on Attack.

    Kingpin and the others would be penalised when they're on defense. So they're additionally vulnerable to Inequity.
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    jcphillips7jcphillips7 Posts: 1,224 ★★★★

    Inequity is very helpful in BGs to stall fights that much longer. I wouldn't recommend it however if you're not bothered about being competitive in BGs. Also, I would rather max out inequity over petrify.

    I’ll be honest, the only reason I was considering it was watching a few YouTube vids on Cassie Lang, and me just having taken mine to r4 at sig lvl 120. Then again, most those helpful vids came from the top tier guys who probably only really care about BGs, AW, and any competitive aspect of the game.
    I’ve used Cassie to explore act 8 and she’s a beast, her damage reduction works on debuffs so she can be used in matches where you wouldn’t think she would work. Just need to keep her taunt up and you’re nearly invincible
    Awesome to hear. I’ve still got a couple maps left to 100% on Act 7 and 8.1, so I’ll definitely be giving her a go there.
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